who knew 25 would be so confusing?

Nov 17, 2010 02:01

Hi, livejournal. It's been a long time. It's good to know you're always here for me.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about my current status in life. I'm very happy with Chris and what we have going on, but I feel like I should be doing more. And by that, I mean strictly in a professional, money-earning manner. Like I was meant for something more or bigger. I can't be a retail manager forever. I like my job and what I do (for the most part). I'm good at it anyway. But this isn't want was meant for me, and I'm certainly not living up to my potential. I've become all too aware of this fact in the last couple months.

So, after a lot of consideration, I decided to apply to ECU so I could finish my bachelor's degree. I got my associate's before I left Flordia (5 years ago). I've taken enough (too much) time off. I got entirely too comfortable with the stagnation of my professional life.

I don't like the place that I'm living in. We've grown out of it. I don't know if it is time to leave Greenville entirely, or to just upgrade to a nicer neighborhood and more square footage...? The hard truth is that neither of us are good enough with money to have anything saved up for anything big. We live too much in the "now." So anything we plan to do has to be the right thing. And I have to have the money saved up for it. So, we are looking at 6 months before anything real starts to happen in that department.

If I get accepted into ECU, I think we will stay here for another two years and I'll continue with my job as is. We'll find a nicer and better place to live (somehow). If I don't, then we will be looking into moving to Raleigh or Charlotte or some place that has something more to offer. Chris has been considering going to a technology school (Wake Tech, maybe?), or something of that sort. Whatever we do, I have to make sure it's the right move. I don't want to waste time or money on the wrong choice.

I can't be so far away from all of my family either. If I wasn't working as a Retail Manager, it might be tolerable, but the way things are now: I can't see my family for ANY holidays. It's terrible. I'm required to work the day before and the day after Thanksgiving AND Christmas... and it stinks.

Oh, and another question: if I get accepted into ECU, what am I going to major in? What do I have an aptitude for? Will it actually be useful to me?

What in the hell am I going to do with my life?
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