Happy Birthday, Chris.

Jul 17, 2009 00:09

We've been without internet for a little while, and I'm playing catch-up tonight. Ed & Tina came up for Chris's birthday, we got drunk, played games, SAW HARRY POTTER, and did some sitting around. Chris is working this 5pm-2am shift for a while and he was at work when it turned 12am on his bday, so that sucked. BUT, I have an awesome present on the way, but it's coming from fucking CHINA! and it's taking forever. and it's a seeecret. Who would have thought that if I ordered it on the 3rd, it would take this long? ohh well. At least I made him a superb cheesecake, and we had great sex!

Oh yeah! Cassie and her boyfriend Corey came down to spend the 4th with us. That was fun times, except that I had to work. They also brought Chris a car! so that's pretty sweet. Oh, and by the way I lost all the beer pong bragging rights I earned from my birthday when John and I lost to two 17 year olds. damn

So yeah, Harry Potter! It was awesome! Best movie yet! in my opinion. We were all pretty drunk by the time we got there though. I'm going to need to see it again, I think. Tyrese threw up in East Coast Wings (haha).

The next day, Tina made me sit through the whole first season of Buffy. and now I'm going to watch it all! The first season was pretty stink balls, but the second season is starting out really good, and everyone says it gets awesome, so I'm gonna do it! right now.


p.s. I picked out a wedding dress
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