Girl Stuff, happy times

Jun 23, 2009 21:51

Chris is at work most nights now, so when I'm off or open I spend a lot of time by myself. And though I miss chris's company, I like this, because it gives me a chance to spend time at the house doing whatever I want & relaxing. And what I want is usually just to watch some girly movie (today was Revolutionary Road with commentary) or do laundry while I watch the entire LOTR series (fun!), or read my books (Name of the Wind), or browse the computer, or do girl things like painting my nails and pampering myself:

One of my favorite things to do is the green clay face mask! I love the way it feels while its drying and the way my face feels when I take it off! And I mainly love looking and feeling girly and silly!

but lately I've been doing a lot of thinking about our cruise wedding. This is going to be so much fun, it'll be dangerous. I'm so excited about it, I'm practically jumping out of my skin! I've never been on a cruise before, and I've been waiting so long to get married, it's just all coming together and I get giddy every time I think or talk about it! I can't wait to see our Suite with a balcony! It'll be like royal treatment!

This is the link one more time (mainly for you, Will, since I don't have your email address). Check it out! watch the Emerald Princess ship video. can't wait!

Tonight we're going to see Transformers 2. It better be worth it. Last time I saw a long ass movie at the midnight showing (Watchmen) I was uncomfortable and disapointed. This one looks sweet, though.

I have a lot of things I'm looking forward to right now.
-Nearest being July 13th, Chris's birthday (I'm thinking up some good surprises for him).
-Next, July 15th, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince finally
-Then, July 17th, Chris and I get completely caught up with all things financial! We can finally SAVE! Thanks to Chris's new & awesome job.
-Then, August 4th, I take vacation, Mine and Chris's anniversary (the one we celebrate being the day we first met in person- Aug. 4th 2002)
-Then, September 29th, supposedly the release of Dance with Dragons, but I'll believe that when I see it. He's still not done writing it. he just posted on his lj about it today actually! how he's finally finished a couple chapters, hah!
-November, ahhhh, November! Cruise, Wedding, Friends, Family, Fun! and New Moon!!!

Things are good. Things look UP. Things are happy :o)
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