
Jul 06, 2009 12:46

It's been a decent summer so far.

I've done a lot of summ'ery things. Hikes and hhwat not, a few trips to the Nanaimo River and Roberts Memorial are in order for certain, to make the summer complete.

Work is going. That's right I ended my sentence right there, It's a complete sentence.

I went to Vancouver on the weekend, my head phones batteries died so I just wrote random things in my black berry during the 6 hr, return trip.

I just copy/pasted everything out of my berry here after the cut, it's semi offensive.

I like writing in here.

With my thumbs. It's interesting to note that nothing worth reading was ever been written with thumbs, Boondocks told me.

Your boss is your dad, that's all there is to it. Fuck the simile, and if you work for your dad, well then he's your mfing double dad.

People all around me on this bus have the stench of death; this ginger kid looks Auschwitz thin with the purple eggplant deadness to his eyes, drinking a coke; watery eyes tight with optimism like he's on a telethon.

Maybe I should reevaluate my appearance when emo looking try-hard hipsters nod at me like we're wearing the same out of town sports jersey. Why do these kids want everyone to know how thin and bird like their legs are? Whatever, ride that chicken, I don't care.

New bus. I traded in hipsters for a mentally handicapped day trip; wearing baby powder like cologne, dressed with about 23% thought.

If you're really old or young all you need is a shared general age to bond with someone. The moderately young or old can't make friends, we have black berries and ipods.

Your minimalistic, hippie, nomadic, lifestyle would be much easier if you bought a smaller drum.

We get a new pc word for native every few years, because we keep turning them into slurs. That's so fucking First Nations of us.

Hey 30's something business man turn down your ipod we can all hear your lil' Wayne, oh wait, shit, that's me.

Welcome to Vancouver, just piss anywhere.

I bet cats give terrible head.

No its cool scene girl I just forgot my second belt at home, it’s totally white though.

On your left you'll see a plane, just right there, impossibly big in the sky, flaunting reality.

Nothing angers American tourists more than paying for items with their USD at par.

It’s not the 3$ they lost on that 20, it’s the principal, I can hear it in their indignant exhales.

I'm I wrong to not want to wear shirts ironically? I started talking gangster ironically years ago with my friends and now we all just talk gangster, well at least around the edges. I think there's reason for caution. I see a future of 30 something’s saying "woord" with fanny packs and NKOTB long shirts with the oversized lettering.

When I grow up I want to be a black guy wearing 2 watches. It seems like a good life.

Somehow making countless subs a day has made you worse at making subs than me, and I've only made like 2 ever. How did this happen? Can u spread those pickles out and hold the palpable indifference?

You can tell my name is old because its gender specific.
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