Dec 20, 2008 00:08
I ran on Tuesday too, but not quite as far, and it wasn't quite as cold, as tonight. As a southern California native, I really have no tolerance for cold. Life in the data centers has made mid-60's totally comfortable, but anything in the low 50's or below is FREEZING for me.
So tonight, I dressed pretty warm - lined track pants, a long sleeve t, and a tshirt over that. Aside from the freezing hands and ears for the first 2-3 miles, I was okay - comfortable with the temperature. And then I hit mile 6 and it was like someone had shoved ice cubes in my pants. My thighs cramped up and I had a hard time keeping moving. I was positive we'd just lost about 5 degrees at that point and my body didn't feel like dealing with it. I kept going and finished my 9, but it took most of the last three miles to stop feeling like an ice cube.
When I got back to the car, I discovered that it had dropped from 48 to 41 over the course of my run. And 41 might not be that cold in the real world, but it's OMGLESSTHAN10DEGREESFROMFREEZING! Heh. I'm a baby. I have to get used to this because it seems like it's going to be a cold winter.
Wasn't I just bitching about it being hot? I might hate running in the heat, but at least I have experience with it.