May 16, 2006 23:25
I am writing to you from my hotel room in Philly (well, technically New Jersey, but close enough.) Anyways, my mother and I have embarked on our first summer trip and we are gonna be touristy and dorky and sightsee around Boston, then go to Baltimore to visit one of my fave places EVER-the National Aquarium--then hit up Lancaster, PA for some good 'ol memories and relaxation. Nice way to kick off the summer.
I finished putting my room together for the most part. I got all of my clothes organized and they actually all fit and are put away in an organized manner (would you expect any less from me?)...
SO I found out today that Veronica Mars will be back next season and now that I am officially hooked because I saw like 20 minutes of the season finale I am kinda excited. Also, One Tree Hill is coming back so that makes me happy but it is sad that Everwood has been canceled, but hey, you win some, you lose some. However, I am kinda pissed that 7th Heaven may come back. WTF? It was over. They drowned the finale in cheese. Seriously, just let it go. AND we must take a moment and discuss the awesomeness that is Grey's Anatomy. Seriously. Seriously. The best show EVER. So exciting and dramatic and sad and angering and heart happying/ripping out episode. I CANNOT wait for next season. And just let me note that I think Izzie was going crazy for most of the finale but I felt so bad for her at the end, however, I heart Alex and I think he is great and they should end up together. Cristina seriously needs help. Burke better be ok. I heart George although Callie looks like she could take him. The chief's niece, Camille made me cry with her lil "I've been loved" speech. Bailey is awesome. Finn is great too, too bad his gf cheated on him--although, yay for Derek and Meredith. And is it bad that I feel bad for Addison? Although we know there will be tons of complicatedness with this next season. I cannot wait. Oh and FYI if you wanna get season 2 its on sale for like $30 (with a rebate)at compared to Amazon's $60!
Ok that is all for now. Please don't think I'm crazy for the Grey's rant, even though I know you already think I am.