Denial waits.

May 16, 2008 16:40

Denial waits, it's here to claim me now
As I crawl down to him,
For a chance that you'll come around,
And lay down tonight.
But I'm left telling myself that everything will be alright

Run away from the way that you love me
With no regrets
Just walk away don't wanna hear that you're sorry,
From words unsaid
So stay away, I know you wanna destroy me
And fade away
'cause I know.

If I just closed my eyes
I'll still see your lips saying everything will be alright
If I saw you right now, I'm embarrassed to say
I'd take you back and we could just pretend you never went away

Run away from the way that you love me
With no regrets
Just walk away don't wanna hear that you're sorry,
From words unsaid
So stay away, I know you wanna destroy me
Just save your breath
'cause I know.

Denial waits, it's here to claim you now
Denial waits, it's here to claim you now

Run away from the way that you love me
With no regrets
Just walk away don't wanna hear that you're sorry,
From words unsaid
Denial waits
Denial waits

Do you ever stop and think, as someone walks by you, that you will never know them. They have a past. What are they thinking right now? Is this person beside me in need of help? Do they feel alone? Did they have the most devastating conversation before they were here? What has their life been like? What is their story.

Humans are selfish. Sometimes I think it's hard for us to realize that the entire universe does not revovle around us. How often do you find yourself staring at a stranger and really wonder what they are like or what is going on inside their head? I know the people we always come across usually come off as they really are. The asshole in line in front of you might have had the worst childhood ever, he could have lost a wife, he could have a substance abuse problem, but you never see that. You see the asshole.

Everything happens for a reason. Every action you make is the direct result of something else. This is true for everyone. Do you ever wonder... why? Why did that person do that? Why did they say that? Why did they wear those clothes today?

The people we walk by everyday might have an incredible life story, and you will never know. To you, they are just people, not human, not like you... Just a person. You will never know them. You will never know what they are feeling, the struggles they went through, when they die, why they died... You will never know.

What if the person standing next to you died the next day. Would you care? Did they have anyone to talk to? Does anyone know who they really are and heard all the things they had to say?

I wonder this all the time. When I see an elderly person walking by me I just wish I could have the courage to ask them to tell me their story. No one's life is boring. It's full of life lessons, drama, sorrow, strength...

People fascinate me. I honestly wish I could understand them, but I never will.

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