Jan 27, 2009 11:21
There is no spoon. Only the spork. Feel the spork.
And with that bit of insanity, it's back to your regular program.
Been having a wicked-go-nuts time on Twisted, lately. Especially writing exactly like I do at my job, every day, in my free time. Yes, it is that odd. I really wonder how long Trilby Trang will survive.
Writing the Twisted Gazette and player responses makes me think how interesting it would be to stage a TP sometime. I've never done one, and it doesn't look that hard.
Meanwhile, playing Xander is an interesting experience. I tend to stick with OCs as a general rule. I wonder if he'll become the carpenter for Twisted, get changed by his surroundings, or end up dying before his time?
Datenshi is fun, as always. Nothing new there. Actually, something new- he now firmly believes he is a god. Oh, and he's got dozens of evil denizens walking around his manor.
SW campaign is coming to a climactic moment, the switch between Episode 8 - Cloak of the Sith and Episode 9 - Shatterpoint (Ep 7 was Rise of the Mandalorians). They're back on the desert moon of Bak (circling Bakura, in Wild Space) where they grew up. The New Republic have lost the war, and the Mandalorians (Clones, Clone Descendants, taken over species that opted to become Mandalorians) now rule the Galaxy.
The Jedi Order numbers less than a hundred, and falling. See, at the start of the campaign it was ten times that.
Cassus Ferro, a force sensitive second-gen Clone (there's a reason) is just about to tell the players he's about to pack up and go take out Mandalore the Ultimate (Also known as Mandalore the Darkest), and try and take the title of Mandalore to order the armies back. It's a very crazy plan.
I'm interested to see if the players succeed or die in the unknown regions, on an unknown world, under black skies. That too would be interesting.