Jan 19, 2006 16:44
What evil is man capable of? Is any man beyond the reach of evil? Good and Evil - the classic struggle of two forces, two mindsets. One brings life, the other death. Are we born inherently evil? Or is it a choice? Is our innocence stolen before birth, or do we willingly give it away? The tainting of our minds is a slow process, a ritual that takes place in the darkness of our souls. Man has fallen and is plagued by evil, by a disease that eats away at our hearts and corrupts our minds. Can this disease be cured? Can this process be reversted? Can the effects of darkness and death be overturned? The answer is yes. The darkness can be pierced. There is a Light that can destroy all darkness, all blackness. The deepest night can be turned to day by this Light. The stories we've read, the dramatic illustrations we've seen of the battles between the forces of darkness and Light, they're not just fairy tales. There is truth in them. But Good and Evil do not fight occasionally...it's a battle that takes place daily in our minds, and in the world around us. Death can be overthrown, evil can be destroyed. Darkness can be forced back. In the misery of our souls, a Light shines at the end of the agony. Rescue is coming. Freedom is near. The strongholds of Evil are encircled, soon they will collapse. Despite the evil we see, despite the evil we hear and create, there is Good. The master of this world is good at what he does, twisting the good, distorting the beautiful. Many men have fallen under his sway, and as a result of their choice, darkness and hopelessness covers our lands. We see men shooting men mercilessly, killing coldbloodedly with a gleam in their eye. We watch as women are raped and abused. We see innocence stolen every day. Evil corrupts totally...desolating everything in it's past, leaving a wake of anguish and despair. But despite all this, there is still Good. There can never be a time of pure Evil, because Evil does not truly exist. Evil is just the absence of Good, the absence of life from a soul...without Good, Evil is allowed to reign. But Evil can not create. Evil can only distort. This world, with all it's tragedies and conflicts, still holds Good within it. There are people who shine the Light that destroys the darkness. This Light is a man. This man's name...is Jesus Christ. A man who came down from Heaven, 100% man and 100% God. He was the definition of perfection, the portrayal of Good. He is man's Savior. Evil holds no sway on Him, death has no control over Him. He is the Light. Despite the evil man had allowed to rule him, Jesus still came to die for him. What evil is man capable of? The answer: all kinds of evil. Is any man beyond the reach of evil? The answer: no. Can man be saved from evil? The answer: yes. Man can be filled by Good, giving no room for Evil to dwell. Evil can, and will be destroyed. Good will be the victor. Rescue is coming. Freedom is near.