Title: Two Weeks In Hawaii [8/14 + Epilogue]
ipanicdailyPairing: Ryan/Brendon, Spencer/Jon, Ryan/Pete (past), Gabe/Will, Nate/Alex
POV: 3rd; Ryan-centric.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Don't own anyone/anything other than the plot. The title belongs to the band Hellogoodbye.
Summary: “I don’t like you,” Mia muttered, scowling, pressing against Ryan. Spencer’s eyes fell down to her, just noticing her presence, one eyebrow lifting.
“That’s nice; who’re you?” Spencer asked a little bitterly. “I know I told you to get out and do more, Ry, but I didn’t think you’d end up with a kid.”
Warning: Man/man, language, sex, angst; more to come probably.
lilrainforestAuthor Notes: OMG I'M NOT DEAD. :D
Past Parts:
Prologue ♥
Day One ♥
Day Two ♥
Day Three ♥
Day Four ♥
Day five ♥
Day Six ♥
Day Seven (Day Eight)