smoking ban

Jun 25, 2007 15:12

Oh, yeah, re smoking ban. Gotta say this:

Speaking as an ex- smoker (20 a day gal at least) I am really pleased I'm not going to be assaulted by anyone elses smoke when I go out. I really honestly and truly regret inflicting my second hand smoke on others in the past. And yes I was totally beligerant about my 'right to smoke' when I did smoke. How dare anyone get in the way of me and my beloved fags.

But for christs sake, suck up your own smoke, stop inflicting your smoke on others and stop complaining about it and for fucks sake. (Don't sit at home smoking at your kids instead either.)

The whole point of the ban is to provide safer and more pleasant environments for all. It is not to fuck smokers over.

People who smoke and are objecting at this late stage are beginning to sound like blinkered twats. You knew it was coming.

Noone complains about the law banning people wanking in public places. And someone blowing smoke all over me is just as distasteful to me now.

Face it guys, your chosen addiction is becoming widely socially unacceptable, the law is reflecting this. deal.

edit: oh, yeah and I shall never have another item of clothing or my skin accidentally burnt by some stupid dumb fuck in a nightclub again!!! Yay!
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