Jun 19, 2005 12:48
I stole this from Xu... :-)
[ ] I think I'm really attractive.
[ ] I prefer winter over summer.
[x] I am a geek.
[ ] I am a shopaholic...
[x] I am reasonably intelligent...
[ ] I am attracted to girls.
[x] I am attracted to boys.
[x] I like British accents
[ ] I smoke regularly.
[ ] I drink regularly...
[ ] I get drunk easily...
[ ] I do "drug(s)".
[ ] I brush my hair at least 50 times a night.
[x] I am religious.
[ ] I am not religious but have morals.
[ ] I lie frequently.
[ ] I am impulsive.
[x] I am hardworking.
[ ] I am good at History.
[ ] I speak more than two languages.
[x] I enjoy taking pictures.
[x] I like spending money on myself.
[x] I like spending money on others.
[ ] I have a regular income.
[ ] I pay my own bills...
[x] I rely on my parents for money.
[x] I can cook.
[ ] I enjoy cleaning.
[ ] My idea of good music is Britney Spears.
[ ] I am told I have yet to fulfill my potential.
[ ] I am good at sports.
[x] I am good at certain sports.
[ ] I couldn't do sports to save my life.
[x] I am creative.
[ ] I want to be an artist when I grow up.
[ ] I want to be an engineer when I grow up.
[x] I eat when I'm upset. (bad habit...don't follow suit)
[ ] I cannot adapt to change.
[ ] I am interested in politics.
[x] I have shoplifted. (Well, I went back to the car to get my purse to pay for a sticker, and realized I was holding it the whole time. When I came back in to pay the guy was like "here to steal something else?" The time in between taking and paying was shoplifting, I believe.)
[ ] I download MP3s.
[ ] I have done underage drinking.
[ ] I have gone underage clubbing.
[x] I can dance reasonably well.
[ ] I can dance extremely well.
[ ] I dance like a cardboard gorilla.
[x] I can sing. (I just can't sing well.)
[ ] I sing like someone stepped on my foot.
[x] I can swim.
[x] I keep a journal
[ ] My teachers didn't like me.
[ ] I enjoy controversy.
[ ] I enjoy controversy as long as I'm not involved.
[ ] I can be a bitch.(I don't think that's for me to decide, but I don't think I am one...except to my brother)
[ ] I have tattoos.
[ ] I've been in a nudist colony.
[ ] I'm not sure if I'll get married.
[x] I know who I will marry. (not really, but we all have our fantasies...)
[ ] Someone has a crush on me. (how would I know that?)
[x] I am interesting.
[ ] I am a good liar.
[x] People enjoy talking to me. (I don't know, do you?)
[x] I annoy people from time to time. (now I'm sure that's true)
[ ] I am a born leader.
[ ] I am a born leader but shouldn't lead.
[ ] I've snuck out of the house.
[ ] I don't think Sarah Jessica Parker is pretty.
[x] I hate people who pretend to be suicidal. (well I don't hate people, but it's annoying when people do things just to get negative attention.
[x] I hate popular people. (again...they annoy me but I don't hate)
[x] I think cheerleading is a sport. (To a degree)
[ ] I am photogenic.
[ ] I think graffiti is art.
[ ] I have dated a criminal.
[x] I have been cheated on.
[ ] I have cheated on someone.
[ ] I have a temper.
[x] I like playgrounds.
[xxxxxxxxxx] I dance in the rain.
[x] I am obsessed with Shakespeare. (I don't know about obsessed...)
[x] I have tanlines.
[ ] My favourite color is pink.
[ ] My favourite color is black.
[xxxxxxxxxx] I like flip-flops.
[x] I know what monogamy is...
[x] ... and I believe in it
[ ] I want to be a social worker when I grow up
Happy Father's Day everybody!!! I hate not having any money for gifts... but I won't be making money for another couple weeks. :-( such a bummer
The Tigers suck, but the game was fun. The only hits we got were in the last inning. We loaded the bases, and then 3 guys struck out. Lost 4-0. It was uber-stupid...but the fireworks were good and so was hanging out afterward. :-)
I hate all the drama in my extended family. Everyone's so gossippy and angry and everything... I guess I'm very naiive in my thinking. I just want everyone to love each other.
Anyone who wants to hang out this week before I go to Mexico, call me!!! I'm taking senior pictures Wednesday, I have a lesson Thursday afternoon, and I leave Friday morning. Oh, I think my grandpa's here! I hope y'all have an amazing day...and stuff. Byez!
~the princess...or not~