Hard knock to the jaw.

Jun 18, 2007 20:43

So, my day has been AWESOME. (sarcasm dually noted)
I get to work and the boss comes in and I say my usual 'Good morning!'
wouldn't even look at me or say anything back, bad sign.
First thing he does is call all the senior staff into his office.
The D.O. comes out, says she needs to talk to me.  
So we go to her office and says, "Kiddo, I'm sorry, but we have to let you go"
I knew it was coming but it didn't dull the sweet shock of rejection.
They also got rid of two other people and moved another out into the field.
I guess I'm still in shock that my world has come crashing down, I feel relieved but I'm scared to death
because I have my bills to pay and am back to no insurance after 3 months.  I had a psychologist appointment at the end of the month to help me out with some things that have been going on with me lately that I can't really put into words.  That's gone now.
Life is beautiful and amazing, just not to me.
I'm trying so hard not to fall apart right now.
Things are spiraling downhill.
I haven't told my mom yet, call me stupid but I don't think she'll really care.  I don't know her anymore.  She's drinking scotch every day and now my sister is picking up the habit.  She was caught by the cops for drinking at a party when she had to drive my moms car home.  Mom did nothing.  She never calls or texts me to see how things are going.  My dad is so far away and my sister is off doing her own thing.  I didn't even get to talk to my mom on mothers day because she was out with some guy and ignored my calls.  I didn't get to see my dad on fathers day yesterday.
Everything I was once so sure of, is now in shambles.
The world I found so intriguing and mysterious is now just sheets of confusion.
You don't have to comment or even read this but I need to put it somewhere.
Wow, I guess all the years of useless therapy proved to be fruitful in some aspect, imagine that.
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