[OOC] State of the Pups

Dec 30, 2010 13:01


State of the Me: As of right this moment, I feel pretty gross. I'm writing this up today because I don't have the creative mojo to do much else yet, but I'm nursing a cup of peppermint tea, have had a little to eat, and I think this will probably be the last day I feel this bad (And thank goodness for that). I've had a lot going on this month despite being out of school for most of it-Megan moved into our spare room, if you were unaware, and then there was holiday stuff and yuletart. I've been very discerning about my threads since the middle of the month; I hate getting overwhelmed and/or making people wait. I'm not sure how much I'll take on in the NYE post, I think it will just depend on how I feel. I've got to debut Clark next week, too, which is a massive undertaking, so I'm just trying to be aware so I don't get overextended.

Shari Cooper | broken_brushes

Shari's been all but entirely MIA all month, but that was planned. She does not like being emotional in front of people, and would have kept mostly to herself as she kept busy. I have about as much interest as threading out her emo over losing Morgan as she does, so I just gave her a break, which was fine, considering how much activity she had in November. She's also been feeling guilty and conflicted about Peter moving out, so I think it has made sense for her to take a month off. She'll be getting drunk on NYE, which will help prompt her to go ahead and get the Loss Services department and support group active at the beginning of January. The bakery will be opening mid-January, as well, so she'll be quite busy in the new year.

NYE: Yes
NDPD: Equipment for the bakery.

Sirius Black | not_the_grim

So, we have Harry, and Sirius really doesn't know what to do with that. Of everyone I play, Sirius is routinely the most difficult to plan for; I can kind of predict how he'll react to certain stimuli, but even then it's just a guess, because it often quite literally depends on the day. That said, Chris' party not withstanding, he's been surprisingly adult-like around Harry, which is a good thing. He's building on the maturity he started to cultivate with Cassie; I think having people to take care of is just about the best thing that could happen to him in terms of his personal development. As for what's going to happen with Cassie specifically, I've really got no idea; she tends to resist Sirius' attempts to be a bit more serious about their relationship. I mean, this is Sirius, and they've still not had sex. Neil's life is going to blow up in January, and I'm not sure how Sirius will react to that, either. It's really going to depend on what Neil does. It was requested that I do Fight Club again in December, but I'm pushing it to January, because I think it makes more sense then. Sirius is a bit too well-pleased with life just now.

NYE: Yes
NDPD: No idea.

Pepper Potts | wildlyconflictd

To suggest that next month is going to be a big deal for Pepper is definitely a massive understatement. One thing you may have missed: She and Tony are officially a couple as of his item post. Sort of. A couple that doesn't date or sleep together or kiss. But it IS official, which is pretty mind-blowing for me after all this time. Also, can I just say how much I loved that item post thread? I love how, when it comes to the two of them together, they always seem to be speaking a different language. Aaron's disappearance really upset her, but she's mostly repressing that. She doesn't imagine that she'll ever have anything that normal with Tony, and while she wouldn't change who Tony is, per se, she is still sad about that. She loved Aaron quite a lot. As for what's going to happen with the space station plot, I've not planned anything beyond her completely losing her shit with worry. So I guess we'll see what happens.

NYE: Yes, sort of? Scott and I have a thread planned, but I don't know if I'll top level her.
NDPD: A stupendously awesome jacuzzi tub that kinda-sorta matches her stupendously awesome bed.

Nate Fick | assured_of_this

The big news with Nate right now is that Ruth and I are playing out Brad's timeloop, which involves Brad getting blown up over and over and over until he gets his shit together. Needless to say, that's going to be very emotionally trying for Nate, and he'll have some PTSD after. He's very practical, though, so I expect he'll ask for a few psych sessions to work through it. This also presents the perfect opportunity for him to seriously bring up the idea of kids with Remy, again-Life is short, etc, etc. Rhi and I have been trying to get the two of them together to have this talk for awhile, but we've been kind of fail in that regard, so I'd love to seize this opportunity to make that happen, even if nothing actually comes of it.

NYE: Maybe. If we don't post Brad's timeloop before the end of the month (And I doubt we will), I'll need to get an additional thread for him to make reqs, so I may have him tag some people.
NDPD: No idea. I was thinking about a set of 4 platinum wedding bands, but then I thought that seems like he's married to Terry, too. XD

Spencer Reid | percevalian

Reid has had a horrible month, emotionally-speaking. He lost Hotch and Morgan, and I really cannot overstate what a huge blow that was to him. Additionally, Jim continues to pine for the life he left behind, so Reid's slowly but surely backsliding in his emotional progress. He's got some serious abandonment issues, and all of this is just exacerbating it. He's really jonesing for drugs right now, desperate for a way to cope, but obviously that isn't an option. He'll be very drunk on NYE instead. I'm considering giving him his item (The chair he was tied to when he was kidnapped and beaten), maybe in late January or early February, to sort of bring all of this to a head before he ends up on the Enterprise for Homeplot.

NYE: Yes.
NDPD: Fencing equipment.

Caliban Leandros | dichotomos

So, in case you missed it, Cal recently lost Robin. All said, though, I think it was one of the best things that could have happened to him, if only because it finally prompted him to work out some of his frustrations and anger in a familiar way. Sucked for the sabre-toothed cat, but was very therapeutic for Cal. He is now primed to not only make new friends, but have some romantic interests, so TAKE NOTE, LADIES. He's a dick most of the time, but he has a good heart and he's drop dead gorgeous. He seems to have somewhat mended things with Sookie, although that's not necessarily a good thing for anyone, because when he's being charming, he's difficult to deny. Overall, I'm looking forward to being able to play more of Cal's fun and snarky side instead of just his sulky, bitchy side.

NYE: Probably not. I'm going to assume he stopped by to pick up some chili dogs and Big Macs and then carried it all back home to gorge himself. He doesn't like parties.
NDPD: Ammo.

Wallace Wells | wallace_wells

Wallace continues apace. There's not a whole lot to say about him, as he tends to be fun just hanging out and being himself. On the Kon front, Kon tried to seduce him after Chris' party and Wallace turned him away like a responsible adult. We're threading out the aftermath of that right now, but it's still pretty early in. Apparently Kon will be drunk on NYE and so will Wallace, so we'll see what happens there, as well. I think he's kind of in love with this kid, so I'm not sure how it will all shake out.

NYE: Of course.
NDPD: Basket with vodka and lube. :D

Lux Cassidy | illuxinated

Lux has been a busy girl. Her mistletoe EP was a lot of fun, I'm super pleased with every, single thread and I hope I get the opportunity to play off of all of those pups again soon. I'd especially like for her to make some female friends. She's got a crazy vigilante boyfriend, although she doesn't know exactly how crazy or vigilante he is yet, as Jason's been pretty good at keeping all of that from her. She and Baze had a massive blowup on Christmas over his dating Kate so soon and inviting her and Sam to Christmas without asking, and Lux left in a huff with the intention of moving out. She ended up staying with Jason for a little while after that, but I'm not sure how long yet, as we're still playing through all of this and Ruth is on holiday. Provided Megan gets Tim in January as planned, there should be more massive drama then, because the truth about Jason will ostensibly come out.

NYE: No.
NDPD: iPod with speaker dock.

Clark Kent | only_son

AHHH, CLARK. Recent canon provided me with a perfect exit point, and I've got his debut about half-written. The debut will be limited to Lex, however, and possibly Kon. Clark is going to have a great deal of information to come to terms with after his arrival, so I'm planning on taking it nice and slow. After his debut, I'm going to have some private threads for the people who want them, and then maybe finally an open EP near the end of the month. The last thing I want is to get overwhelmed because Clark is still getting used to the idea of Superman, and then he has a bunch of threads where everyone he meets knows who he is. So yeah, going to take it in baby steps. If you want a private thread post-debut, please let me know.

NDPD: No idea.

Tony Stonem | well_yeah_but
from SKINS

Tony is locked in for P2, and I'm really quite excited to get to play him. I've wanted to play him for the better part of a year, but didn't feel quite ready in the Spring when I'd originally planned on apping him. When I put him in the last PotF, though, I was so happy with how easily he came to me and how much fun he was to play. I've had most of his wiki written up since the beginning of the month, and overall I'm just super psyched at the idea of getting to play a character who is a little evil yet still has potential to slowly grow over time. I think he'll be a lot of fun and will cause a shitload of drama, and it will be fab. :D


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