Sep 01, 2003 18:38
That's pretty funny..I haven't updated in 3 months....whew. Well there's no way I can cram everything that has happened but I will just give u a couple updates:
-Went to D.C. and loved it, I really feel closer to my youth group and God because of it
-Started school, which is really boring (algebra), and stressful and complicated (adv. earth and space)
-We've only been in school for like 3 or so weeks and I am already ready for a big long break..pretty darn sad
-We have our 1st band comp. this weekend, in which i bet u $1000 (really i have it) we will get 3rd, but hopefully still make it in the finals
-I never get to see my best buddy anymore...and it's VeRy sad
-I haven't had internet at my house for like 2 months, and am very happy to FINALLY have it back
-The reason why I haven't really wrote in this much, is cuz most of the time, I can't really ever WRITE write in it, cuz somebody would see it, and not approve or get mad or something, therefore when I do write in it it is always pointless, but oh well
Welp, I'm leaving now, ttyl or in like 6 months w/how my updates go....