Apr 04, 2005 21:03
sometimes people break things. the realization hits me every time i trip on some wonderful hallucinogenic drug. everything is ridiculous. i also realize that talking saves your life and faces are weird. matt and i ate acid. and it was so so great. i always have the most amazing time with him and tripping together was def a very good idea. we hung out in the parking lot outside of his house. we videotaped some stuff. we only wished that the camera could capture what our eyes were seeing. so we made up something about wires plugged into the back of your head, stuff like that, we have yet to invent it. we went and lay on the floor and laughed and tripped out on the ceiling. in my opinion it looked like lace floating on an ocean. waves back and forth, back and forth. it was so nice. we talked and talked and talked and occasionally looked in a mirror. we were up all night and ran around and stared at trees. there was glowing everywhere and the street lamps were def wigging out on us. it made for much amusement and spinning. oh and i saw a billion shooting stars. we didn't break anything and we promised each other everything.