Feb 27, 2005 17:39
When will this weekend end?Its been a really long weekend to me.Igot up sat to go get my mum have breafest out. Omg that waz good.I think that waz the part of the day?Went to go get my eyes tested and get my conteacts.Omg that waz a nitemare to remeber errr.But i got my contacts their pretty cool.I waz only going to get one weird I know but the doctor gave me two.Well anyways after all that stuff we went to ross and tjmax and sme shoe place.I want to get this one outfit but no I couldnt because of my dad!But I did get these Nike shoes their cute i guess.Ok you know how I said I waz going to get my camera this weekend yeah well I never got it!Oh well my contacts are more important.Later that nite my mum and I watched movies well dad waz gone.Thats about it for sat. Now today woke up around 10:45 had breakfest went down to the farm.Omg it waz raining so hard when we got there!Anyways tehn we went to some other places but I didnt get out of teh car I had no make up on!Then i camehome got in a fight iI guess you could say with my mum.Omg I think it would be better if I died now! Then I had lunch and took a nap! Now im on here tlaing to Amanda and Haley.Their so kool I love them!
Im so bored that I might change the look of my journal. I also might try and write a poem or 2 I dont know. But Im going to go laters.I love ya
omg thankz Haley for helping me with all that stuff!I love it!Over and out~