Feb 25, 2005 22:58
Today waz kimmy's 15th birthday.So I got her a frame for her new photo.It says "friends" on it.Isnt that cute?Well besides all that today SUCKED!Imean I wish things would just become better again but are they? NO! Ok I will tell you what happened and maybe some of you can HELP me.PLZ.
1st:Went ok.Study talked stuff.You know really nothin happened. I talked with the people I always talk to. Made fun of this omg that kid has some issues!Then alot of the FFA kids were in there so I waz talking to Haley.Aww she is so nice!
2nd:We wrote poems and stories for that contest.Joy joy. I wrote one but I cant remeber if I turned it in for the contest hmm?Besides Nick fixed my brush"mr. handy man"
3rd:TEST! Well im not sure if I failed that one.I dont think I did. I felt like I did good. I hope. Nothin really else happened there. Talk to Kristie and Amanda.
lunch;Went to go get iceys. Talked. Notihn else. :(
4th:I get what we're doing.I felt so smart in there today.I think I felt best in there today.The stuff we're doing is eazy!Also I got all my work done so I didnt have homework!
after school:Omg this waz the err of my day!Ok first my dad waz really later so I told him I waz going to start walking and I did!Now the only good thing about the walking is this really hot guy honked at me and waved"awww" hehehe sry.Finally I meet my dad at w/e and w/e.Yeah lets say I waz pissed!Then went to the farm feed my steer , and got food for the weekend.The other gurls helped me today with it and so did robert and nick.hehe.
home:oh lord.Italked to my mum Ilove her!Took her to work. Then my dad and I were suppose to stop and get my camera but no errr.He pisses me off so bad!Im not in the mood to explain it all.Then he left and im here talking online and updating wow.joy joy. tomorrow im suppose to go get my contacts and go shopping yes and no err my dad again I know we're going to fight.Im so tired!
Well I think im just going to take it eazy the rest of the nite. Nothing really else todo?If you have anything to say just say it plz I bored ok!