Jun 17, 2005 18:50

Birthdate :::: *OctOber 3rd, 1969

Place of Birth :::: *Orange COunty, California

Parents :::: *Dennis & Patti Stefani

Siblings :::: *Eric & TOdd (twO brOthers) and Jill (her Only sister)

COllege:::: *Cal State FullertOn CoOllege

Natural Hair COlOr :::: *BrOwn (all thOugh she is knOwn fOr her BlOnde hair)

HOw Gwen met Gavin ROssdale (her husband) ::: *In 1996...at a cOncert she was playing at with her band!

The Necklace ::: *The "G" represents Gavin's initial

Where & When they were Married :::: * 2002........St. Paul's Church in COvent Garden, LOndOn

tell you more later !

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