Week 3 - Sunday

Jan 24, 2010 19:01

"Julie, don't just do something because one of the guys there had long eyelashes."
"But he had REALLY long eyelashes!"


Hello again everyone. My flatmates feel right bad about not inviting me out with them, so now I feel a bit better (even though I found out that they went food shopping without me knowing somehow!). This week I'm going food shopping again and doing my laundry. Besides being on the far side of campus and a trek away from everything, Cartmel is a pretty nice place to be. Stuff is new and clean and has a near by atm and laudramat thing.
I started going to clubs! I missed my first Writer's Guild thing because when I looked up, I was already late and I hadn't had dinner. So I took my time making dinner and then headed off to fencing.
Their coats are really thin, ya only get a glove for one hand, the helmets were small, all the swords had a gun grip and could be hooked up to the electric strip. It was suppose to be a teaser session so I figured I'd probably just end up watching something or other, but no, they got us all dressed up (all 4 of us, 2 guys, 2 girls) and raced through teaching us footwork, lunges, parries, etc. Just, woosh, like, 20 minutes, done. I was super super glad that I had had proper instruction in highschool with fencing. I'm a firm believer in getting the basics right the first time, rather than having to fix them up later. Apparently, they prefered 'throw yourself in there and fight people and I guess we'll teach it to you again later after you've tried to kill eachother for a bit.' I prefered Marlow's method a million times more. Their teaching was barely teaching!
So yes, we got through some of that stuff, got al gross, and had a mini tournament between the 4 of us. I, of course, whooped all of 'em. 5-1 first fight, where I just viciously jabbed in the hand so I was injured for the next 2 fights where I won 5-0 and 5-0. I rock, basically.
So now, thanks to all that lunging, my right thigh cries whenever I move, walk, stand, go up and down stairs, etc. I think I may actually join the fencing club, however. I'd like to be able to develop the skills to kick more butt. I'm a little worried it's gonna be expensive, though, seeing as it looks like everyone has all their own stuff.
I'm gonna have to refigure out my schedule.
I need to do my homework and start writing letters and see if my email's fixed. ¬_¬ No fun.
I'm also out of cookies so restocking on those will be for tomorrow.

Oh! There was some blue sky this morning! I literally gasped aloud when I saw it and raced over to my window. I was so happy. I went out to walk to church and there were birds! I could hear birds! Just one at first, maybe 2, and then there were bunches of them. It was lovely. The weather's been garbage recently. Ya know when you watch those 'jack-the-ripper' type horror films where you see the lady walking through the fog on a dark night and you're just sitting there going 'Why the heck are you walking around through the death fog? Why would you do that?' If the English didn't walk around in the fog, they'd never walk around. There is so much fog here. I've had to walk though the fog death dark at least three times already (and that's just at night).
So, yes, I went to Church today. Their stations of the cross are kinda scary. Their Jesus is all jagged and face melty and mmmmmrrrraaagggh. Nice people, though. And I was warned this would happen, but it hadn't happened to me until today where I was reading something on the wall and the Methodist Minister comes up to me and asks 'Are you alright?'
Apparently that's like saying 'How are you?' in England, but it throws ya off guard 'cause you want to be like 'yeah, I'm fine. Why? Do I look mopy?' I didn't see the pretty boy from the club table there, but the nice sister was there and they gave us lunch and dessert. They had icecream! It made me happy.
They passed around a collection basket and I didn't know what to do. Back at MHC they don't pass around a collection basket 'cause we're a bunch of poor college kids, but I guess 'cause there's grad students there too and stuff, they passed a basket.

Oh, Another English moment: so my mate's are talking about visiting eachother and one's like 'I'll take you to Flamingo Land'. They have a theme park in this country called Flamingo Land and it's got rollarcoasters and everything. All I can think is how there's no way an American theme park would be able to get away being called Flamingo Land. But then again, there's something in Cricket called a 'Silly Stick' and there's no way anyone in America sport would support something being called that.

Soo.... that's England at the moment. Everyone who asks me how I'm liking Lancaster I tell that I miss the sunlight. I picked such a random place to go to school. ^^u
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