(no subject)

Apr 13, 2008 00:41

now... no one freak out.

I'm not reading too much into this.
Its too early for me to be think or really saying anything beyond this and I'm not getting my hopes up, and I'm going to trust God that if this is what's right, then okay, and if not, whatever....
and I'm not naming our future children,or myspace stalking him,
and I refuse to spend two hours getting dressed if I know I'm going to see him
and I'm NOT going to emotionally prostitute myself to someone who doesn't want was is worth having in me....
and I'm NOT going to pursue, or manufacture excuses to see him....
and I barely know him, so lets not get too far into the whole analyzing every word that is said between us and all that.....

...but there is someone

who loves jesus(*I'm pretty sure I see it*),
and likes my singing,
and likes to kayak, and reads books, and ,and smiles with his heart in his eyes, and seems to be a genuinely good man. and beyond the smidge of giddy emotions I feel right now, because I feel like even though I've only spent a little time with him, we seem to click (* no jumping the gun on this beyond a tiny little gut reaction*)
.... I won't let myself go beyond this ....

BUT...i felt like I wanted to say it. and since it's my journal- I will!

I like a boy...um....


and...I'm not sure...

but I think he might like me a leeeetle too.(*this much --> '.' <--- *)




(*runs away*)

so that's that.

if it doesn't go beyond that, thats okay. I won't allow myself to feel rejected or foolish for liking him, because emotions are emotions and infatuation is infatuation, and the things I like in him that I know are there are good things, and I'm glad that I'm attracted to those things.

but yeah. that's what I wanted to say.

la la la la la laaaaaa!
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