I don't wanna be anything other then me...

Aug 25, 2004 22:34

Listening to Gavin who's lyrics i just gave a tribute to in that subject heading. Well it's 10:30 and amalia's asleep already!! i'm trying to type quitly but u know how it is, it's still quite early for me!! So the last entry got cut short b/c chris called and then afterwards i couldn't justify putting in any entries while auditions were still looming over my head so here i am now, the night after!! I'll feel much better once callbacks are done( i'm pretty certain i'll get one for midsummer) so friday will be a breath of fresh air. I'm going to watch the movie tomorrow for a refresher and re read the show. I already have so much homework to!! this wknd is not going to be an all fun and no play one i can tell you that!! At least it's still a wknd. I have to get up early tomorrow and head to eckerd to pick up my perscription. Chris gave me money for some of it to though which was totally uneccessary of him but completely sweet and like him. I'm enjoying the class schedules i have the way they are. I'm not crazy about having 4 classes on mon wed, mostly b/c how much work is required in each!! I def want to stay on top of stuff in the american politics one but the teacher seems relaly cool, we will just have a decent amount of reading to do. Spanish required all this outside work w/ online labs and stuff and the teacher is a trip and a half( i've already called her as a character for my recital b/c she's magical) but it's def going to be some work there as well. Dialects is ALso going to be a lot of outside rehearsal and research and stuff and i need to know IPA cold for quizes and just logics sake. W/ all te stuff we're going to have to transcibe, i'm also going to have to work scenes in there and in voice and in comedia and shakspeare!! that class i'm def psyched for b/c some of my favorite upperclasspeople are in it combined w/ a lot of great folks from my class and it's w/ ted so i'm looking forward to that as being fabulous. They certainly all take up the day however and i nEED my voice journal from home as well as my pronunciation dictionary and vcr and just random other stuff!! I hate leaving stuff at home it's such a pain. It's def better to be back now that I know auditions are over and out of my hands( minus callbacks) and now that i have a little more time to decorate and stuff. I really wanna do midsummer so bad!! PLUS then i could do betty's summer vacation w/ marc and i'm obSESSed w / that idea. fo reeeeeal man!!Ew except that chelsea roth isn't here anymore!! that gurl had a part automatically and she goes and transfers so none of us can be in hysterics over her interpretation of voice #2?? the nerve of that girl!! jk
So i'm waiting for chris to get back and gimme a call, he's been moving in all day and stuff w/ dave. he hasn't told him about us though so i wonder what his reaction will be!! he's more likely to be against it mainly b/c he and julie are having issues and stuff and just from his personality i can understand how chris would perceive his initial reaction as against the whole thing. in the logical sense that it. I am superbly happy however....even more than that just ecstatic!!! i know things are never going to be absolutely fine b/c there's always distances and stuff and just life happens but everything we've talked about and everything we've both considered...plus everything I'd learned this summer...I'm so certain this is what i want...for a while now i've known it but certain things had to happen to confirm my wanting that and...they did, even better than i could have ever planend and that just totally makes me sure i'm/we're where we need to be right now!!and i'm extremely happy...
Yowza it's so hot in heeer!! i'm so glad we're first floor though, that's all i can say. It's honetly about to be a kick ass year and that also makes me excited. I'm a little apprehensive about my work load but i'm going to stay focused and just get my stuff done...that's all ya can do, right?? it will be good practice for memorizing sitcoms in a few hours and constantly switching back and forth between scenes and even entire shows!! i'm relating everything to film and television nowadays lol
I have so much decorating and stuff i could do now cept amalia's sleeping and i don't wnt to be loud!!! this opposite sleep schedule is starting to get worse..
I'm prob gonn futz around on the computer now i'll leave one later though...perhaps i'll re-read midsummer or more likely watch it again ;-) adios chillin's!!
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