May 27, 2006 15:32
i have finally gotten an lj. i always said that i wouldn't get one but i finally caved and got one. today was the end of one thing and the beginnig of a much bigger thing. I am finished with high school!!!!!!! no more going to cy-creek, no more taking stupid classes that i won't ever need and no more seeing people that i can't stand. i'm really excited about finishing high school, but really sad too. i'm sad to leave the people that i love like my some of my school friends and my church friends. i know that God has big plans for me and really excited to see them unfold. These next few months will be lots of fun and jam packed. VBS starts soon, then we leave for Acuna on the mission trip, then the family and i leave for jamacia in july, then rec week and then in august we leave for college and in between that i will be working as a sports camp counslor in Fairfield!! my first job, well kinda job. i'll have to find time in between that to play tennis of course, that way i can be amazing when i go off to brevard to play tennis. exciting times are coming up and i'm really excited for them!!!
I pray that these last few months will be some of the best times of our lives, and that we make better and stronger relationships.