Only in MN

Feb 18, 2007 21:41

Here's a little list of things I've noticed/learned since moving to MN. I don't mean to poke fun or offend in anyway, I just want to preserve my observations.

1. Everyone has a D-dub (DWI) from some point or another, generally obtained between the ages of 18-22.
2. Sunday might as well be named "Motorcycle Sunday" when the weather's nice. All the bikers are out.
3. 15 degrees above zero feels tropical after 2 weeks of 10-20 BELOW zero. I was wearing a t-shirt today and my jacket was stifling.
4. Snowboarding takes practice. But it's really really fun (in as much as it's also really really painful while learning).
5. In the suburbs, everyone knows everyone else because they all went to high school together. Minneapolis & St. Paul are a different story. Most people who live 15 minutes away from the cities never go there for pleasure, only work.
6. When they tell you "Your odds are better here" at Treasure Island casino in Hinkley, THEY LIE. Well, for Clint and I they lie. For Justin, apparently it rings true.
7. Having a roommate is way cooler than living alone. Well, given he/she is not insane. So I guess I got lucky.
8. You can play hold 'em for free any night of the week, all within a 20 minute drive.
9. There are more bars per capita in MN than anywhere else I've ever lived.
10. When people travel to northern MN, they're going "up North," not "upstate."
11. Everyone has a cabin "up North" in their family. Many people go to these cabins every weekend (or at least, several weekends).
12. Snowmobiling is AWESOME. Traveling 50mph over a lake frozen 15ft. deep is quite a rush.
13. More people hunt and fish here than anywhere else I've been. Apparently, it's a midwest thing.
14. Public transportation is great, and tons of people use it. Green is better!
15. Candyland in Minneapolis makes the best popcorn EVER. Toffee covered popcorn with mixed nuts. It's like sex in a bag.
16. The Mall of America is frequented more by tourists than locals. Personally, I'd rather shop at Rosedale or Maplewood.
17. It's called pop, not soda. You live here for 6 months and you'll slip into the local vernacular too.
18. Underground heated parking is a necessity, not a luxury. Well, it is if you want you car to start consistently.
19. The local parks are all beautiful, and the lakes are the place to be when the weather's nice.
20. Target rules the land. The end.

I went snowboarding for the first time Friday and had a blast. I also took a really bad fall going down and bruised my tailbone. I now have to sit on a pillow for 6 weeks. Ouch. But as soon as I'm feeling better, I'm hitting the slopes again.

Things are working out really well with my new roommate thus far. Apparently, everyone assumes we're sleeping together. It's totally not true, and I find it somewhat amusing that this is just assumed. It is nice to have someone to hang out with after work though. And Sammy hero-worships Clint. It's kind of depressing. If Clint's around, Sam could care less about me. Go figure. I've also been brought back to the land of adult television. Clint said he's trying to wean me off the Disney channel. I'm surprised I haven't put up more of a fight.

I'm going to be back on the East Coast for work around Easter. I have a weekend in Boston when I'm hoping people will come visit. I miss my friends terribly. I've been here 6 months now and have only a handful of friends.

Happy Presidents' Day everyone. I'll be working to keep your Target stores running.
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