This aired during Glee last night. Yes, this was aired on a major network, during prime time, in the middle of an insanely popular show. That by itself is cause for serious celebration, but the ad itself is just...beyond words.
WARNING: Have a tissue box handy. Don't worry, they'll be tears of happiness. =)
I get that question at least once a week and, well, there's no single answer. I've got a job, a short film, a screenplay and a novel in the works, and none of them are related to each other because I must be a masochist
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Still sick, so absolutely nothing has gotten done. If I work on anything, it'll be the STXI Kirk icons because they have a specific due date, plus it's easier than everything else.
We decided to fight about who's more awesome, Shatner/Kirk or Nimoy/Spock, using wallpapers and icons as ammo. We're calling it Battle of the BAMFs. It will kick your ass.
Ahem, the name will be soon as I figure out how to do that...::cough::
I also made a slashy post to my K/S comm:
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My personal journal will now be the place where my random, non-Star Trek related stuff will be, because every now and then I do something cRaZy and make fan art for a different fandom. ::gasp:: ::faint::