If anyone knows of a good profile picture of Nimoy (preferably young, in black and white) then pllleeeaaaasseeeee please PLEASE let me know. I need it to to complete a little wallpaper series I have going. XD
***USAGE RULES: Take what you want, please credit me as 'Brittany Diamond' if you post/use it anywhere. Thank you! =)
Notes and shit at the end of each section (all 2 of them, try not to get too overwhelmed)
KIRK ICONS!! (Maybe I can start to balance out the overwhelming amount of Spock icons over at Anoncomment7's LJ...heh.)
1. An icon version of a wallpaper I made
2. Heeheeheeheeheeeee =)
1. Yeah, another one of that kind of wallpaper. I was bored, it was easy, Kirk is good looking. 1 2 3 done.
2. One of the most GUH things ever in TOS is whenever Kirk is tickled by Spock, so I had to make a wallpaper for it. Try and blame me. You can't.
3. If you've looked at my other stuff, you know that I kind of have a designated "Kirk font" and "Spock font" which I tend to highlight in red and green, respectively, because of the color of their blood and what not. If you didn't know that, you do now. =)
The text is a lyric from Sondheim's gut-wrenchingly beautiful musical, Passion. Song: Loving You.
4. Anoncomment7 made me an absolutely squee-shattering Kirk wallpaper on my request (it's up on her most recent LJ post) so I had to make her something Spocky in return, 'cause she deserves it. The wallpaper is for anyone to have, but I gave her an icon version of it that's only for her, so don't take it because it was a gift. I will hurt you if you do. XD
5. The text is from Passion again (song: No One Has Ever Loved Me) and I also want to add this little EDITH DISCLAIMER: Even though it kind of looks like this is anti-Edith, it's not meant to be. Kirk/Edith was, in fact, simple, safe, and easy, and I was only pointing that out. I like Edith, everyone likes Edith, no ragging was intended.