The Ship's Closet Update - I wasn't kidding about Murphy's Law.

Mar 30, 2011 04:29

In a nutshell: My card has yet to be verified by Paypal, but if I have to restart the process, I will. The worse news is that my move out date got moved up to April 23rd (three and a half weeks away), and I don't even have another job yet. Plus I'm flat broke. How this is supposed to be humanly possible, I have no idea.

Needless to say, these next few weeks are going to be stressful for me. Stressful and just this side of impossible. So, even though I get the camera soon, I'm incredibly sorry to say that TSC won't return until May.

I know.

It sucks.


I know you guys must be as frustrated as I am. All of this stop/start delay bullshit is getting on my nerves, but nothing I could say right now would be anything more than 4am melodramatic crap, so I'll just say this: The show will return, goddammit. It will be filmed in my new apartment, Eddie will be my permanent co-host, and shit will get REAL. And GAY.

...even if I have to bitch-slap Murphy myself.

On the less dark bright side, I come bearing one of my favorite Kirk/Spock fanvids to cheer us all up. You should probably be alone when viewing this because you will squee, and you will not be able to control how loud you get. Trust me.

The vid is this way.

**Update: The Paypal stuff is sorted out now. The money should land in my account in 3-4 days, then CAMERA. XD

the ship's closet

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