(no subject)

Sep 27, 2006 01:32

I'm really tired right now so I'm not sure why I'm updating, but here I am.
Sunday we went out to brunch, as usual. I came home, read some of my book for Children's Lit (it's called the Pictures of Hollis Woods). Scott had his first day of work at Dish Network, then he came over after :) We played some Time Splitters on Gamecube. Watched some of Forrest Gump, which I've never seen...then he went home at 9.
Monday I had Digital Photography at 1. I started my day off miserable when I left the house because I thought I looked like crap. Of course when I was at school I was fine. We ended up messing around on Photoshop, then she showed us some Depth of Field photos, and then we went out and shot some of our own, with partners. I was with Erica, who's pretty cool. She had her own camera, and I had one of the crappy school cameras, and we just walked around downtown taking pictures. Some bummy guy walked up to us and was like "PICTURE..." and made a peace sign and was like, "TAKE MY PICTURE." and Erica's like, "We're only taking pictures for our photography class." and we walked away. It was scary!! Erica told me not to worry, she'd protect me, haha. We felt like tourists with our cameras, it was funny. Every time we would walk past a scary looking person she'd say "Dosido" and I would go on the other side of her. Obviously she's better in the city than I am!
Wellp, here are the pictures I took...

When I came home, Scott called after he got out of work and came over for dinner. After dinner we went downstairs and hung out, talked, and I showed him my pictures...we just sat on the couch and cuddled for a while. He ended up falling asleep and I was pretty close to it, so we had dessert and then he went home.
Today I had my three classes. Child Development was no fun. We watched the rest of the video and saw a child being born. Bleckkk. I got out late, about two minutes. I ran to health, and then I get there and there's a note that says she'll be ten minutes late...which was good! Then in health we watched some heart surgery which was almost as bad. We took notes, then did some food pyramid group activity. She actually called on me and it took me by surprise because I wasn't expecting it, ahaha. Children's literature we listened to her talk a lot, then got in groups and talked about our books that we had to bring in. Easy day! MinHee and Anders picked us up and had the music blaring and of course I had a headache. I came home, read some more of my book, then we went over to my grandparents' for dinner. It's so boring over there, ugh. During dinner Scott called me so I talked to him for a bit. We left at 7:45ish, picked Chels up, and went home. I did some more homework, while helping Chels with her homework. Scott called me again, and he's gonna come over tomorrow after work :)

It's so weird not seeing Scott online. I'm so used to just messaging him whenever, but now it's hard because he doesn't have internet. And when we talk on the phone it can't be for long because he has a limited amount of minutes. What's funny is I used to hate talking on the phone but now I'm fine with it. H'anyway, I'm done here. I'm exhausted I need to go to bed!

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