(no subject)

Aug 26, 2006 20:09

Just an update...

So, Tuesday night I ask my mom if I can go camping, if we take Chels & Tim, and she's like, "I don't know," blah blah blah. I figured she wasn't gonna let us go. So Wednesday morning she's like, "You can go camping. I talked to your grandmother and she persuaded me into letting you guys go. Your dad is going to be pissed though." So yeah, we kept it a secret from my dad til Thursday morning when my mom told him we were going. Wednesday my grandparents and Scott were over. Scott brought Luce Moose over too :] We got icecream at Lugia's and played Pictionary, which I have decided I am a horrible draw-er, haha.

Thursday we went out to lunch and went over to Wegman's and got all the stuff we needed for camping as far as food and drinks. Then we came home, packed, and Scott was over 'round 3:30, 4. We packed everything into the car and left for Hamlin Beach! When we got there, they allowed us to drive around and pick out a campsite. We got an awesome one...you drove up and on the left was the picnic table, the firepit, and then an area for tents. Plus, we were a campsite away from the bathrooms, which was nice. So we set up, then drove over to the beach and walked around. Scott took some pictures, but not a lot came out :[ After the beach we went over to the playground area and played badmitton. Then we went back to the campsite and Scott started the fire and cooked our hot dogs...then we had marshmallows and played some Uno. We went and brushed our teeth and stuff and then went into our tents. I felt soo clausterphobic in the tent we had to open the window thingy. I didn't fall asleep til around 12 something. Then around 2 I heard noise and saw light...it was Scott, but then I heard rustling outside and got all scared. I guess it must've been a racoon because Scott said everytime he opened the tent a little bit the noise would stop. Then I woke up at 6ish, and went to the bathroom with Chels. When we got back to the tent we laid there for about an hour, til Tim and Scott woke up at 7. Then we had our donut holes for breakfast, got ready, then packed up and went over to the beach before we went home. When we got home I unpacked and did some laundry right away. Scott and I just lounged around on the couch all day watching tv, it was nice. I love lounging with Scott :D

This one is especially neat because you can see the water splashing up behind her :O



A shoe someone left on the beach

One of my favorites

How cool is that?

Me watching the kids!

Here's pictures from Strong Museum last Tuesday...

The Lincoln Log Cabin

Height illusion...pretty sweet

This was a slanted room...it was insane...you felt like you were moving in it, I was soo dizzy!

That's a big chair, eh? Hehe

Today we went to the mall...we had money off at Pacific Sunwear so we got Tim a sweatshirt and bags for school...


I'm pretty sure that I want to take mine back and get the one Chels got cause I love itt

Oh, and these shoes are amazing:

I might have to get them for school, haha

That's it for today.
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