Study at Brunel University: Seeking Couples to Participate in Online Study

Sep 22, 2010 17:51

Found this on gumtree:

It's a survey for couples where one person is a native-born British person and the other is not.

I thought I'd post it here, but I didn't want anyone to think it was some sort of scam. So I e-mailed them back and said I wanted to post it here and asked for an official website.

The e-mail I got back said:


Yeah go for it, that'd be great :D there isn't an official website for this but you can post this as the advertisement/information (and call it Seeking Couples to Participate In An Online Study For £50):

We are looking for international students, work permit holders, and immigrants who are involved in a romantic relationship to participate in a psychology study on the ways that people adjust to cultural migrations. To participate, you must meet the following criteria:

-You are involved in a romantic relationship that has lasted at least 2 months
-Both partners must participate in this study
-At least one partner must have been born outside the UK and arrived in the UK to live sometime within the last 5 years
-Both partners have Internet access on a daily basis

For completing the study, each partner can make up to £25, and each couple up to £50. This has received ethical approval from the Psychology Research Ethics Committee at Brunel University.

If you are interested in this study, please send an email to newtoukstudy @ [without the spaces!] for more information.

That's enough of an advertisement for people to send an email for the information we send everyone anyway :)

Thank you!

I've filled out the first survey. Personal info it asks for: e-mail address, birthday, ethnicity/culture, and country you are from.

Go for it if you have the time, I guess. If the mods think this is spam or something weird, let me know and I'll take it down.

Edit: Sent e-mail to person at Brunel, response was "Yes, we are doing this study." I sent a link to the gumtree ad. dativesingular also responded saying that she did this study sometime ago and that yes, it is a real study.
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