mis-remembered room Originally uploaded by
britinichu Some shiny things.
and I said "we have to check out this room!" and also there is no weapons room anymore.
Going to Arizona next week, on Tuesday. Gonna do a public access show with my brothers! Going to hang out with my grandparents! Going to pick up my winter stuff!
DUDES. SERIOUSLY. For my birthday I want to sleep all day. ALSO my birthday is coming up and everyone should come to my birthday party. For reals. I spent all day today talking about beluga whales and all day yesterday talking about river otters. AND HOLD ON ONE MOMENT I just realized that my schedule says I'm posted at a station that is closed tomorrow. WEIRD. I'll go into work anyways. I can always walk around and talk about fish. I am good at that.
I bare my teeth at you. Grrr.
I need to redo my website.
I rearranged my room! I'm calling it my "winter configuration" because my bed is no longer next to the window.