May 04, 2005 19:57
So i went to super taco yesterday...just to take my sister to dinner. And i find out that Martin, the owner got someone else to paint the murals INSIDE the new place....i was hurt.. i havent seen the other guys work but i am sure its great. O hope he tags on a nice price tag to go with it. The work i did on the outside of the place was done on stucco...stuccol people.. try and get a straight line outta stucco. I thikn it was because the other artist had a car..and could work as long as he wanted...where i had to ride with martin and go home when he did...well poo. whatcha gonna do ah? maybe throw some turpentine on the work i did already? heheh naaaah im not that mean. i DID get paid to do it however...and it was fun...for a while made me feel like more projects will come...and they will.. i just gotta dig em up.
Saw a neat movie.. "haiku Tunnel" for anyone who ever worked in a cubicle..its a good it snot like office space. well.. theres nothing to work on today so i guess i will put in some time playing battle field...for a bit o the old...ultra violence. its funny .. you can shoot a man with a can stab him in the him over with a jetplane...but you cant swearing..or you get kicked from the server. Some nerds sure can be prudes.
Ive called paul the guitarist for Barneys Jive supposed to go along with them to charleston and atlanta...hopefully i will get to see some friends.**crosses fingers** hes hasnt called me back yet tho...damn hippies.. i dont normally go in for anything remotely hippy. but these guys are talented..and their repetoire really isnt all that hippy sounding..Paul and i used to work in the catering kitchen together....before my accident. I didnt know anything about his band then. Theyre really good...or i wouldnt go record them in odd distant places..weird how we can assimilate things...little exceptions to our personal rules and mores. <<