Nov 06, 2009 06:11
it's neopets 10th birthday. Has it really been that long? Have mercy.
The site has changed a lot since I was on- it use to be mostly 12 and up with kids here and there. The plots were hard, shit was difficult and winning stuff felt good. Now that Nickeloden and Viacom own NP its not so fun anymore. The latest plot is a click one, and is so simple a first grader could do it. *sigh* I remember the first plot I played--- Lost Desert and you had puzzles. Had to find things different throughout the world. A whole lot of shit. lol. Even when the site started to change they still had the Altador Cup. Those weeks in summer are amazing, and I end up playing tons. This year all the hard work was a let down- people would out hours into making rank "All Star" and someone who played less ended up with more points than them. Or about the same. The prizes were rushed and nothing was worth it.
But I digress.
I can't really believe it but after like four or five years Dre went home. Like home with his crazy momma home. I dropped him off there in confusion and he was being so damn secretive...but he's at fucking home. Anyone who...doesn't get why this is a big deal:
His mom is crazy. She beat him with a bat, tried to stab him, and who Eric says is partially resposible for Dre turning out the way he did. (When told this she replied he was "boog" (is that right? lol) and a bad friend and thats why Dre ended up where he did).
Anyway, his old house number which I could never forget but confuses me popped up on my phone and well i'm at a loss. I'm happy he's back there because he's no longer in the street but...oh well. I'll take what I can get.
I keep asking why he choose to leave where he was staying and he says that he and Al got into a fight. That he dislikes him cuz he's stupid. I have to wonder- what could make him hate this person he's been getting beat for (long story) and going to jail for...seriously.
Halloween was fun- got drunk in Ann Arbor at a random house with friends. Its amazing--you can just walk into any house on a block, not know the people, and drink their beer. Coolness.
So yeah. Hopefully everything works out. I'm just fucking sick of all this up and down.
p.s. Next semester I am taking three english classes, a chemistry class and a Journalism class. Death awaits.