So I'm about to get my hair done and I'm quite excited. It's such a cold day here at home but I'm happy I'm here. Dre and I hung out last night and he was mad at me because I didn't get to him on time but he couldn't stay angry because I had for some reason developed a lisp.
Felix, my truck is dying and I need him to get to GR tonight. Youmacon is tomorrow and I may go to that or Ann Arbor.
My thoughts-- I'm watching Martha Stewart and I find that ahe seems ao different now than before jail. Like she seems less bland and awesome. I never got my chocolate browine ice cream bars recipie.
Another not on my hairdresser-- their impressive two room shop is now one-- it's seems like it was hastily done too. There's. Story there I'm sure.
Last but not least I register for
Classes today for spring. So far I want to take 15 hours of English-- which I may regret.
I'm off!
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