i think my neck is tired of holding up my head - that's the only reason i can come up with for why my neck is strained yet again. the entire expanse of my shoulders is feeling the pain, but thankfully so far i have been keeping the cough at bay.
the other day i bought one of those dryer lint remover kits and immediately after i arrived home took the brush to the lint trap. i should've known better than to do this without shielding my face b/c the fuzz dust is equivalent to toner in big copiers (safety rule number one for changing toner cartridges - don't breathe in the ink!) so as i pulled out the brush, a fuzz dust cloud came with it, and suffice it to say, since then, my lungs have been very unhappy with me. i won't go into the dirty disgusting details, but it ultimately kept me from celebrating
twistedcat's beltane event. i have so much planned for this weekend, i have been popping allergy pills and cold tablets left and right in order to kick it out of my system. i think my chest is just tolerating the medication at this point though. tgif?
so if you don't have anything to do tomorrow evening (unlike me) and like art, go to the silent art auction bridgitte is passing around. she showed me her death valley pics this morning, and they are gorgeous! very classy b&w photos of sand dunes and joshua trees...it's for a good cause!
and happy birthday weekend to
twistedcat - i hope you have a wonderful fun-filled weekend and am sorry i missed out on the events!