I'm about to be a host on
ABC's My Australia, a TV travel show where the idea is that a recent migrant (like me) experiences parts of Aussie life that we've not really done before. I'll be doing 3 episodes (tentatively) and we're currently researching people to join us.
Here's what we're planning:
Quest: To learn roller derby skills & rules, come up with a derby character, and potentially participate in a practice bout.
Challenge: I barely know how to rollerskate!
We're looking for any Brisbane-based derby teams that would be fine with being on international television (My Australia goes to the overseas market) and would be able to deal with trying to teach a newbie with a slight fear of falling down. Even if I don't get to be in an actual bout, it'd be cool to also be able to film a game.
Quest: To learn enough poledancing moves to be able to pull off a short routine.
Challenge: The most pole I know is spinning around.
We're looking for anyone willing to demonstrate pole-dancing on camera and teach me some moves. An audience for the final "show" would be good too. A possible quandry would be music, since they only have certain songs cleared for rights - maybe there's a pole-appropriate song in their collection.
Quest: To learn a bit of knitting and participate in a guerrilla knitting expedition
Challenge: I still haven't worked out how to knit. Also, do guerrilla knitters still operate in Brisbane?
I suppose that even if there isn't an organised group per se, any sort of Stitch & Bitch type group that's up for doing a guerrilla knitting prank would be fine. Isn't there a group in Stones Corner somewhere?
If you'd like to be on TV (free international advertising!!) or know people I should talk to, let me know! My email address is me[at]themerchgirl[dot]net. We aim to film everything before Christmas. Usually episodes take a day or two to film, but since a couple of these ideas involve learning a skill, we could do it in short chunks once a week for a month or so before the final act.