Oh, look at me I just changed house

Apr 15, 2007 00:59

Took this quiz (found it at Subversa's LJ) which is based on the Meyer Briggs Type Indicator. It was good fun and for once you could not guess what house it would place you in - and lo and behold, suddenly I am Ravenclaw - who would have known!!!! Usually I always end up in Gryffindor. Hmmm, better floo Flitwick and ask him for the password to my new common room.

Hogwarts Sorting Hat: Based on Myers-Briggs Personality Typing

You are a RAVENCLAW!As a Ravenclaw and as an NFP, you value imagination, ideas and intelligence. You are probably somewhat of an individualist and avoid conforming just for its own sake. You are insightful and perceptive, and since you are empathetic and value harmony, you usually try to avoid conflict. Of course, you may enjoy participating in heated debates, but only as long as they remain on an intellectual level and not a personal level. In general, you are open-minded and curious, and set high standards for yourself.
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