FurDU 2010. Report.

Apr 30, 2010 01:29

Before the cut I'd like to go on to say a huge thankyou to all those whom came out and supported FurDU on it's maiden voyage. Oz and I greatly apreciate the overwhelming support and help we recieved getting this convention off the ground and the hard work put in by our great friends reflected singificantly in how well the weekend ran. It's one thing to string together a location and event list and slap a fancy name onto it.... anyone can do that! it's something entirely differnt to watch as our extended furry family take those things and make it thier own, breathing life into it. Thankyou everyone for making it such a fantastic weekend!

I prewarn you that this entry is going to be long winded and will cover things from both a attendee and a organiser view. I've tried to include and credit photos to break up the monotony of the text and placed each day behind a cut.

Friday morning was a early one for us but for most part we were prepared. kibaswiftpaw and mistystriker arrived early to help convoy the army of furs we had staying with us, as well as the boxes and boxes of things we had to bring. The plan was to leave at 9am sharp, Oz would pick up the lighting setup and we would get there to have things set up by lunchtime, giving us time to unwind and relax before rego opened. Luck would have it the people at the lighting place had forgotten we were inbound and hadn't had anything ready for Oz when he arrived which cost us half the day while he sort it out. Arriving around 1pm (an hour before rego was to open) Misty and I remained behind whilst Kiba and Oz took both thier cars back to pick up the conbags, our fursuits, Macroceli, duncanroo, arakaraath and Atpaws' video equiptment. Rather than delaying rego even futher whilst Oz and Kiba battled peak hour traffic on a long weekend friday we opened rego with the promise to distrubute bags later in the night. I assume that everyone was content with this solution as I never heard any complaints and everyone wound up with thier rego and conbags without any issue at all.

For FurDU we decided to print off a limited quantity of various badge-art kindly donated to us by some of our local artists. One by Macroceli and four by MistyStriker. They may wish to post these pics themselves later so I'll provide low res, tiny versions for a quick look :) There were 18 of each printed on a first come first serve basis.

Conbadges by MistyStriker and Macroceli
The convention bag was rather minimalistic, containing a fibre optic lei to suit the beach theme, a bunch of phampletes that advertised local and overseas cons, local restraunt coupons and a conbook serving both a momento of the event aswell as an informative booklette of events, code of conduct ect and suggestions for the "freeday" on saturday. We were fortunate to have received a wide range of local and overseas artists contribute thier time and submitting for the book.

Conbook art by Wookie and Weasely

Friday night quickly approached and people moved from the socializng areas in the foyer to inside the convention room. Oz had arrived in the meantime and was diligently setting up the light and sound system whilst Misty and Kiba set up thier table of glowsticks, glowproducts and tails for people to buy if they missed out of the first 40 regos. kazsjournal manned the DJ desk for the times that I saw and was doing a killer job! The first night really was a blurr to me, whilst I personally sat outside and manned the rego table and was a malicious door nazi who brutally stabbed anyone without a conbage for the times I got away from the door I had the overwhelming feeling that the night was certainly successful with people partying well into the time we had to punt them out for closing. Misty and Kiba certainly had thier night cut out of them, when they were not at thier own table selling glowsticks and party goods they would poke thier head out and give me a hand at the counter giving me a little time to meet some of the many new faces I saw and catch up with friends who had turned up from all corners of australia.

duncanroo manning rego desk and nikita_wolf, atpaw and friends staying to the very end after everyone cleared out. Photos by foxymalone and can be found HERE
After the night round up, a very exhausted dragon and roo scurried off to perspective rooms and called it a night.

image Click to view

Video by foxymalone


To start off I'd like to go onto the record as saying that I had one of the most comfortable nights sleep on the Vibe's beds. Exhausted from the night before I woke up rather rested (and sore) and made my way down to King Tutts Putt Putt. After discussion with the management we managed to talk them down to $10 for the first set of 18 holes and $4 for another after... a huge difference from the quoted $20 per person we got the swarm of furs into groups of 6 and into the game without drama at all. The staff (and in particular the management) at king tutts were exceptional and very friendly people and the courses were rather decently maintained. A nice mixture of fursuiters and non fursuiters alike drew the attention of the handful of kids and adults there and in complete co-incidence there was a single child family who turned up who had dressed thier kid in ears and tail. Their expression was priceless as they stumbled into a crowd of adults all wearing the same. Most groups had enough after 18 holes but a few others stayed on and played through 2 or 3 of thier courses. The weather had gotten rather hot and humid so it detered away alot of the fursuiters from getting in costume but a few brave souls went and suited anyway!

Furs hanging out after a game of "Jurrasic Putt minigolf and iceleron taking a shot whilst others look on. Photos taken by FidgetFox and can be found HERE

With minigolf done and dusted, it left the afternoon for people to do as they wished in surfers paradise. Realistically this gave us time to unwind from the formality of events and also gave people opertunity to do something they would prefer in groups of friends they were comfortable with. Still exhausted from the days before, I took the time to curl up in my room and sleep but I know that alot of people utilised the hotels pool facilities, others went to the extreme sports area and did things like the giant swing and bunggee whilst a huge group went out to get Yumcha at a local restraunt. I am also told that a small group went down to the beach and fursuited with great success and others did some geocaching! I was honestly really paranoid in regards to this time... Knowing there was a wedding happening in the same hotel I was expecting at least one person to do somnething stupid and crash it but was plesantly surpised at how well everyone behaved and left them alone. I am unsure if we will repeat the free time next year, perhaps filling the staurday with more on-location events but for all purpose the saturday day freetime seemed to go down well.

broc_dresdroth, liontemba, leilahlove, iceleron, night and (I dont remember sorry!) enjoying the pool on a hot afternoon. Photo by foxymalone can be found HERE

A small group of us defected to the Pancakes on Paradise for a healthy delicious dinner. Throughout the weekend furs had been going there for dinners and they were quite curious as to what we were about. A brief explination at the door followed before we were joined by some more furs including milesway, leilahlove, foxymalone and nikita_wolf. Having to eat and run we left them sporting the massive bill and made our way to Timezone for the final event that evening.

I think it was the first time I actually felt sick in the stomach with nerves as at 7pm, the scheduled time we had only 2 people at the meeting point. Worried that either people were over the weekend already and done other stuff or that I wasnt clear enough with the meeting location I paced a bit between the only two entrances in the place. It turns out that everyone was operating under furtime and half an hour later we went from 2 to 60 odd furs outside the doors of the place. Timezone quickly hide us away in the party area/balcony as we waited for the final few stragglers to show up then dedicated a staff member to get through all our usercards and get us underway. It was rather surreal, the first two hours in the huge arcade flew by... every where you looked there were people you knew and alot of the multiplayer games got a work out that night. Deal or no deal would prove to be the crowd favorite with folks crowding around the machines for a chance at the 200/400 ticket prizes. I believe that twigmouse and aussiehusky were the heroes of the day robbing the bank of it's 400ticket prize.
The last hour was hectic. Getting 60 furs through a 15 minute game of lasertag and bumpercars was going to be pushing it to the very end. The size of the group made us split into two full games. The maze wasn't designed for that many folks and felt very crowded and busy with every corner harbouring someone to shoot. The game itself went for 15minutes which was a nice change. Bumpercars were also awesome! 20 fur-filled cars on a one way track and a whole lot of agressive driving topped the night off well before we all headed back.

Blizt and iceleron say no deal whilst milesway is about to get a friendly rear-end from arakaraath Photos again by Fidgitfox

For most, Saturday ended there.... others decided to have a balcony party and after everyone made thier way back to the rooms. I poked my head in for a short time after a noise complaint from the hotel staff needed to be addressed. After I went for a walk to McDonalds with liontemba.

Twi, foxoffire and harleywolf enjoying a drink whilst milesway and liontemba rest after a big day. Photos taken by Night and can be found HERE


Got up early to get down to the convention room early to assist the dealers to set up thier tables and to ensure that joeyfox was alright with setting up the games room/area for the various tournaments. The fear that we would have no-one setting up thier stuff in the dealers area was quickly vanquished as foxymalone sold various plushies, mistystriker opened up for commisions and sketches, kibaswiftpaw had her fur tails and shineys for sale and goldfur opened a table for his written works.

Various shots of dealertables taken by Night.

I have to admit I was suprised at the turnout for the computer game tournaments with alot of furs comming along to watch and support thier friends. The games were pretty intense and saw alot of great players pitted against eachother early on. The guitar hero tournament was even more intense with kazsjournal, joeyfox or Kidsune tipped to take finals. The competition did not dissapoint, the guitar hero being award to Kidsune after a convincing win over Kaz in the final through the fire and the flames. Prior to Guitar hero was the smash tourney. Of noteworthy mention was in the smash brothers tourney had a unstart by the name of Close. She entered the tournament on the day and won her way all the way to the final. The smashbrothers tournament ranked Hattie as winner, followed by Close then Joey in third. The final is below.

image Click to view

Smash brothers tournament filmed by GPRO Karu.

At this point I'd like to thank Smokey the Malamute, Sekular and Koneko for thier diligent assistance in packing down an entire room and then setting up in mere minutes whilst we prepared for the fur-games. It was greatly apreciated and helped us keep together on the tight schedule. The furgames proved to be my biggest fear of failure. The goal was to create a almost "variety show" where the audience was the participants in a series of silly party games and fun. I have faith that JetDingo who filmed the lot will be able to recreate the show better than I can type it but here goes...

Splitting the attendees (roughly 18 people) into 3 groups we started the fun by getting them to create team names. With Duncanroo being (in suit) the leader of one team with aussiehusky as his consort there was no suprise the team was named "team Macro." But 'Team Macro' had thier work cut out for them having to come face to face with "Team 'I don't give a ****'" and the final and racially aware team considering of Kaz... "Team Ivorys and Ebony" To put it lightly, I was nervous as hell... being presenter and runner of the games I fumbled my way through explinations and various game types that people will be able to see on the video when it surfaces. I can only pray and assume it was somewhat entertaining because the initial 15 turned into 3 teams of about a dozen each by the end.. alot of watchers getting involved in the fun. Special thanks again to everyone who helped set up each game and pack down after each.

Various fuzzies playing a minigame with suiters as arms and AussieHusky + Night guessing who thier fur-celeb head is. Photos by FoxyMalone.

Throughout the games and rest of the day we were very lucky to have the photographic skills of atpaw who donated his equipment and time to do professional photos of suiters and non suiters alike. A very big thankyou to him was doubly needed as he skipped fursuiting in alot of events just to do this! These photos can be found HERE but to chew through your bandwidth I put a few below.

marko_the_rat, ristin and Ziggy strike a pose whilst Tristan(nikita_wolf) and Husky have a rest.

It was this point that we recieved our first dissapointment. The hotel had made it clear that they did not wish us to have us in the foyer in fursuit which prohibited us from taking the fursuit parade outside. This is something I really wanted to do as to get a tiny bit of public exposure but we made do. Shortening the fursuit parade to the level we were on/area we were allowd we wound up on the deck outside and took group shots. Forgive the unsized photos here because we really need them fullsize for this.

Top row: Mao, Warrigal, Huski, Ziggy, OzKangaroo, Duncan, Ristin, Trevorfox, Marcwolf, Tinkerbelle,Rogue
Bottom Row: Tristan, unknown, FlameDrake, Nikita, Marko

Incomplete group shot. I'll be fucked if I name everyone of them ;P

The night and entire convention finished up with the dead dog dance. Alot of folks at this stage had left and there was a general solem mood that the weekend was comming to a finish. This event we really hadnt planned more than 20 or so people to attend so did not have a DJ on booth but instead was playing a Mix that bigbluefox put together for us. Without an open bar, people went from room to conroom at differnt stages of drunk and for most part it seemed like everyone was ready to rock on well into the night. The hotel staff were quick to extinquish that idea as at midnight on the dot they came in and shipped us out... the lack of numbers did nothing to the massive energy and fun that I got to experience between falling asleep on Duncans bed and helping clean up. Atpaw continued to take photos well into the night. They can be found HERE

I feel exhausted even reflecting back on the weekend. It was seriously a really great time and one surely wont forget meeting some great new friends, catching up with old friends who I fell out of contact with and of course spending time with my little furry family away from home. For those after numbers our rego count just missed 90 with 87 people attending the convention at some point. There was a tiny bit of drama to deal with, someone was caught sleeping in the carpark, someone was exposing themselves from a balcony and a single noise complaint but for most part everyone was perfectly behaved and made me feel proud to be a furry. The hotel itself was fantastic though the weekend staff seemed somewhat complacent with thier jobs and lacked the high quality customer service we had recieved from the managers/organisers... which made our decision to host elsewhere next year alittle eaiser if not for the sheer size/turnout.
I have to admit I was honestly glad that MIDFUR drama did not surface at all during the convention and I truely hope that when we return next year we do not have to face the same resistance that we did this year.

All in all I am proud and honoured to be apart of FurDU that was made a success purely by the fantastic support of the people who attended it. Thankyou all for making FurDU what it was and I can't wait to show you what we can do in 2011.

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