hmm, I always liked that dragonfly

Nov 24, 2008 08:38

What to say?  Well, other than doing my laundry I exchanging my money I am *completely* ready for Australia.  I was seriously bouncing yesterday.  Hmm, which may have had to do with why I was so quick to speak.  I'm about 80% sure I managed to offend someone at lunch yesterday.  I say 80% because I assume that people don't normally call you overweight and tell you to finish eating your pancake if they're pleased with you. *sigh* And my gift with men continues.  I swear, outside of my major at university I'm completely incapable of making a male friend.  My father seems to think I have a gift for 'imasculating' men. *rolls eyes* whatever that means.

So, my shoulder is still stiff but I pretty much have full range of motion back.  I'm not sure if I shoul go to pt again, because they said come back if it still hurt, and it's more stiff than painful now.  Eh, maybe not.  I'm not keen on having bruises around my shoulders and neck while I'm in Australia, AND I'm going to the chiropractor before I get on my flight tomorrow.

Hmm, the hostel I'm going to be at seems right in the middle of everything.  There was another one that had free bike rentals but it was in Manly and I'm not keen on having to pay a bit for cab or bus fares when I could be within walking distance of a bunch of stuff.  That was pretty much what decided it for me.  Since I'll only be there for five days I need someplace centraly located.

Oh! And, El is going to meet me.  I'm actually surprised.  I thought maybe she'd just, you know, say hi at some point and then leave.  Dunno, I don't generally expect people to want to see me.  Especially if they've only known me via my words. Because honestly, as much as I try to keep to reality when I blog or im or write a letter, there's a bit of the 'real life' me that slips away and a bit of the 'internal me' that comes to the fore and so what you read probably won't be quite what you get.  To know me online is not to know all of me.  Right, but she's willing to meet me and take a chance on being friends with the real life me and I'm willing to chance the same thing with her so that's pretty exciting. :-)

Played soccer for a bit yesterday, ran for maybe six minutes, did pilates.  All in all a rather pathetic workout.  But then I'm also telling myself that the next week will be one non-stop workout so I'll be ok.  In fact I'm a little worried that I'll tear whatever muscle got damaged (I think it's that big triangular one that conects the spine to the shoulder from behind and possibly the rhomboideus pair under that).  The issue being that torn muscles can take about as long as broken bones to heal, and, who, exactly wants to go 6-8 weeks with their arm in a sling?  Do you know how hard it would be to run?  So, I hope that this next week will be a nonstop work out (is it too much to hope that I'm 77 kilos by the time I return?) but that I'll be reigned in enough about it that I won't do myself a damage.

What else?  Not much that I can think of.  Work today is going to be torture.

a line from a poem I wrote a while back.  I don't think I ever finished the last stanza:

I pray no pain and wish for peace
on the ones who pass the human disease
a horrible virus so plain to see
still the ones who've got it it seems to please

another part of the same poem:

Swim downstream, jump up onto the carving block
while day dreams of a coal black night

*grins* it was supposed to be symbolic.

australia, work, exercisem, poetry, korea, soccer, travel, health

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