Learning to read all over again

Nov 21, 2008 10:42

Well, I finally know the word for tuna in korean.  It's 잠지 (that's chamchee for those of you who don't read korean).  So, that and my knowledge of bulgogi (beef) and dak (chicken) and kimchi I am armed with the ability to read the little kimbap triangles at the 7/11 and actually pick the one that I want. *grins*  I'm so proud of me.

What else?  Physical therapy.  Have I told you all about that?  Yeah, well, about a week and a half ago I was in pain (I know I mentioned that).  I got my back adjusted but the pain didn't go away.  I slept with a towel under my neck but the pain didn't go away.  Finally, on Wenesday (8 days after the pain started) I got E to take me to the doctor.  He gave me a shot of cortazone in my shoulder and some pain killers and is having me come back for physical therapy.  The first time was pretty painful.  This time (the second time) was only somewhat painful.  Last time they asked me simple questions in korean and I was able to understand.  This time it was a little  more complicated and I ended up getting confused and the nurse was annoyed and I felt totally stupid for a second.  But, it passed quickly enough.

Didn't work out this morning, but I had a great workout yesterday.  I think I'm transitioning pretty seamlessly to two-a-day workouts.  1/2 an hour of jogging/running in the morning and then pilates and another 1/2 of cardio in the evening, plus some leg work.  What I've decided is that I'd like to get to where I run/jog for 45-60 (can't quite do that right now so another lighter form of cadio is ok) minutes in the morning and then in the evening run one mile (working on my speed) and do the pilates, leg work, and weights.  Since a mile only takes me a little over 11 minutes right now that would give me some 47 minutes to do the rest, which I beleive is enough.  So, essentially I'll have a two hour work out without having to block off two hours of time.  And, of course, there's the advantage of getting to take two warm showers during freezing weather.

Obviously I'm not doing weights right now, what with my hurt shoulder and all.  Tried that, probably made it worse those first few days.

An interesting thing; E said that her and I have the opposite problem-that she works out too little and I work out too much.  Too much?  Are you serious?  *sigh* I don't like the idea that someone would think I'm *excessive* in anything.  You know?  And, I don't think a single gym trainer or nutritionalist would say that my workouts are excessive.  And, yes, I'm trying to defend myself.  In addition she said that when I came I was cute, like a baby (O.o) but that now she looked at me and sometimes she doesn't even recognize me, because I've lost so much weight, and changed so much.  I dunno, I could have been reading into it but I felt like she wasn't just speaking of the physical.  That could be me though.  Lately I've felt that since I came to Korea I have not neccessarily changed for the best in a lot of aspects and I've been trying to change *that*, so I'm hyper aware of it.

I didn't work out this morning.  I'm not sore but I'm not entirely sure I'll work out at all today unless I can get a nap.  I've only been getting about six hours sleep the past few nights, maybe less, but since I'm taking the valerian root my mind doesn't feel it, but I think my body is starting to.  We'll see.  Just a slow jog seemed exhausting and tedious this morning.  And my shoulder was back to hurting.

It's actually pretty comfortable outside today.  That's surprising since the last week has been freezing.

Can't think of much else to say.  Work yesterday was pretty good.  I ate lots of clemintines.  I played soccer with one of my students and he almost smiled so I was pretty jazzed about that, because he *NEVER* smiles.

Ok, going now.

blog, korea, exercise, korean, health

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