
Oct 16, 2008 00:31

my throat is really starting to hurt. Luckily it's only every time I swallow.  And, there is a benifit to the runny nose because it could be a clogged nose and stuffy ears and that's way worse.  Still, not necessarily fun.   Oh, and then there's the cold sore. Where did that come from?

Also, I just want to note that this blog is a journal, not a diary.  I know it doesn't matter, but someone called it a diary a bit back and it just pissed me off.  Diaries are things you write fluffy, personal, irrelivant thoughts in and then hide under your mattress. Diaries have no pretense of any kind of thoughtfulness or purpose.  They're not meant to be read until your much older, or dead.  A journal on the other hand is a recording of events, thoughts, and actions, to be presented to the public. It isn't quite as personal.  And it has the goal of a kind of dialogue to a true person.  A journal is meant to be read.  My blog is a journal.  I do private some stuff, because it's not a place where I put everything out there for the world.  It's my goal, though, to be open, and to record my days in South Korea.

Right, so, back to the day's events; I worked out.  I know, I know, I'm sick, but I couldn't help it.  It was making me nuts.  I was all fidgety.  So I did the stair thingy for half an hour.  Even with my nose running it didn't wind me. I was able to talk to L most of the time.  *glares at the stupid machine* What's the point of working out if the machine you use can't get your heart rate up right an propper?  Anyway, then there was abs and I was done.  I am sick after all, not going to do anything strenuous.  K saw me working out and apparently decided she was going to also.  Came down in those gawd-awful sheer white leggings and said she was going to run.  Then did bad streching for a good ten minutes.  I mean, really, did she ever actually excercize on a team or with a coach or trainer?  Apparently not because the way she was streching was ineffective and potentially dangerous.  And, I could see her goodies.  X-p Then she asked me what the stair thing did for your body.  I was like O.o wtf? I told her it did what stairs do.  She repeated the questions.  I repeated my answer.

So, she leaves, and then goes back upstairs, and I'm annoyed that she seemed to be preening.  Also, she said "I need to get back into running every day."  She's been saying that for nearly five months, and I don't believe her anymore.  I think she'll never run every day and call herself a runner still.  She came downstairs after getting a longer shirt.  Apparently *she* could see her goodies too. And,  why run at 10 at night?  I mean, seriously, that's dangerous.

Oh, but hey, we now have two ADT guards.  Fun.  They mull around and make up for what the security guard can't/doesn't do.  One has a motercycle.  Don't see many of those here.  Mostly mopeds.

Yeah, but I'm heading to sleep.

Later people!

korea, exercise, work, health

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