about lately

Oct 14, 2008 10:31

Well, I thought I'd say something.

First, N ran with me today!  I am so proud of her!  I know she's shorter than me and not a morning person and not used to stuff quite that strenuous but she was a real trooper and I enjoyed having someone else along to talk at during the walking parts.

Have yet to send El her letter, that's a month late. X-p

Oh! oh! and I got the package from my family yesterday.  LOTS of goodies.  firey hot cheetos and spaghettios and beef jerky and microwave popcorn and sweaters and a fitted sheet.  Lots of other stuff too.  I think it's funny that the food I love kind of points out what economic group I'm from.  I'd ask for Grippos if I didn't think they'd go bad on the trip.  No preservatives and all that.  Oh, and new jeans. I'm ALMOST a size 12.  Heck yeah!  Just give me another month of those morning runs and I'm now up to 135 ab things with an ultimate goal of 200.  Yeah, as long as I don't get sick I exstimate a max of 2 months before I fit those pants just fine.   Aaand, Claritin, and Este Lauder eye creame, and a can opener, and Ausy hair mouse.  Yeah, just lots of stuff I'm totally happy for.  And candy.

Also, C asked me if I could be the school's rep to tell other school principals about the iwb board.  Apparently he asked N first but she said she didn't know and they should ask me.  So they did.  So, yeah, wow.  Pretty exciting, I think.

The weather is getting colder, and do you know what that means?  Why, yes, the insects are trying to migrate in doors.  So, in addition to waking up with that cold hitting your face and not wanting to get out of bed, in addition to it not being cold enough to just shut the window and turn the heat on, but not warm enough to just leave the window open, in addition to the fact that my screen door is not well sealed, I have 12 mosquito bites on my back.  This is what I get for sleeping in a tank top with the sheet about my waist.  The stupid think ate me alive.  And the hot water from the shower?  Ouch.  This is the first time this has happened so I can only assume it's got as much to do with the change in weather as with me.  Either way, I'm taking B12 now on a daily basis.

On a lighter note: I've been writing more lately, so, yay!

Also, listened to Sojourns latest sermon Jesus for President.  Man, I love that church.  I love that church, and I miss that church and that church alone would be a fine reason for living in Louisville.  The whole sermon was about not elivating our politics or politicians to the level of our Faith, about not allowing our politics to create disunity in the church, and about serving and obeying and praying for our goverment leaders and officials whether or not they are good men, because it's God who is allowing them to be where they are.  Again, I love that church.  And I agree whole heartedly with the message.  Of course, I love that church even when I don't agree, but that's a topic for another time.

So, put whipes in the work out room so people don't have to leave sweaty equiptment anymore.

Need to start putting lotion or body butter on or something, winter always eats the moisture right out of my skin and it cracks and bleeds.

Yeah, anyway, 11 minutes till I'm to be at work so I'm signing off.

Hope all is well with those of you who are my friends or family.


korea, work, excersize, sojourn, co-teachers, health

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