The best kim bop

Aug 16, 2008 19:22

eh, so I gave in and went and got kim bop at Kimkane.

To be entirely honest today has pretty much been a record of non-productiveness.
I talked with my mother, talked with a few friends, and watched a korean movie.

Oh!  and i found out the name of the show I'm addicted to on arirang.  It's called Great Ambitions.  I guess the whole thing is 60 episodes.  I looked but tvlinks didn't have it and neither does sidereel.  Sad.

Oh, hey, I cleaned nad vaccumed my room too.  And I bought a pint of icecream (was craving it) and ate the whole thing, which was a bad idea.  Then I had to take a lactose pill.  I'm good now.

And, today was beautiful.  Hear me out on this one.  Yes, it rained most of today, it rained most of yesterday too, but when I went out the air was actually cool.  I walked to the restaurant and back without sweating, at all. at all.  I evan ran a little because the air felt *so* good.  Normally it's one in the morning and the air is still warm and balmy.  I love this cooler weather.  Also, after all the rain the air is clear. You can't see that thick ozone in the air.  And, I love the way the whisps of clouds just lay along the sides of the hills like frozen smoke, like they decided to take a rest.

Lol, I went to get some tomatos before I got my kimbop and the guy at the place saw the bag and said something about me getting food elsewhere. It was kind of funny.

Also, I decided yesterday that I like my legs.  Speaking of, i have a couple of bruises on them that I cannot figure out how I got.

I miss my back molars.

*happy sigh*
At least my room is clean.  Oh, and I got to talk to garret yesterday.  He has a baby now.  It's so weird to think I went to high school with anyone who has kids.

so, what's great about kim bop?   Well, it's pretty much all food groups in one.  There are veggies, meat, and rice.  The one I eat has crab carrots, ham, egg, radish, fish, cucumber, and leak (I think).  One of those babies will hold you over for hours.

I guess that's about it for now.

blog, food, korea

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