
Aug 15, 2008 20:34

Ok, first of all I talked with my translator/manager regarding the meds.  I feel a little better now since I voiced how worried I was that she'd think badly of me, and since she said she didn't.

It rained today.  Rained and rained and rained.  I got the grades for one class into the computer. bleh.
Ah, but I talked to my old high school buddy and my first bf (does it count if it only lasted for two days?...guh, high school, whatever).  He and his wife had a kid recently.  So. Cute. And, I got to chat with him.  Lol, I think he was trying to set me up with his brother.  *shrugs* If his brother's a good guy I don't see why I shouldn't say hi to the guy.  God is the determiner of whether two people will get married, and I'm ok again with being single, so why not date (it's bad to date when you feel desperate for a date.  causes all sorts of trouble).

So, I think that here in Daejeon Monsoon season is more like a season of rainy afternoons. It's almost always dry in the morning, but it'll have rained by night.  Sometimes it starts raining around one.  Other times around ten.  But rarely in the morning, which is great for working out.

I need a chiropractor and allergy meds.  *note to self:*

I'm sleepy, which seems odd as it's not even 9 pm.

I may download firefox onto my work computer.  They have an old version of ie.  Also, I think that I'm more lactose intolerant here.  I wonder if they do or don't do something to their milk.

In addition I just want to say that some fanfiction writers should be shot.  I just hope I'm not one of 'em.

I shaved my legs today.  ooooh, smoooth. hehe.

What else?  Increased the number of crunches I do.  Got stared at by some old guy.  Sang while grading in the Sound room.

Confirmed that, yes, my English village is nothing like other English villages.  I'm beginning to wonder if it's not an English village at all, but then I think the Gov. pays us so 'technically' it is.  But, i.e. in english villages you're supposed to do things like the west. It's like imersion learning without having to foreign exchange, but at my school the korean teachers speak korean quite a bit in class and in the halls, and we're encouraged to do things in a Korean style, rather than western.  Also, the entire set up is much more like an English hakwan than an English village.  I may just start saying it's an academy.  It's more like ECC than anything else.  Except the aformentioned academy may have a better cariculum than we do.

So, sleepy....

Ok I think I'm going to take some allergy or sleep meds (haven't decided which) and hit the sack early tonight.

Later people.

p.s. my camera eats batteries for lunch

blog, korea, work, excersize, friends

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