Happy day?

Jul 12, 2008 12:55

So, still sick.
  But the scale says I'm down to 81 kg now.  So about 178.6 lbs.

In addition I discovered that in this picture of me
I'm actually about 165 lbs.  So, getting down below 160 is no longer a necessity.  Might be nice, but it's no longer any kind of necessary.  And that stupid nutritionalist.....going to shut up now before I say something nasty.

Sadly my shoes are still broken (did I mention them getting broken?  I can't remember).  could be because I haven't taken them to a shoesmith yet.

Also, I've decided that I don't want to be a Korean woman.  I know, one would think it was a given, but they're so thin and their skin is so perfect.  Yeah, most of them are also fragile and easily freaked out and unadventurous and totally not tough and paranoid about health.  I rather like my pioneer spirit.  What is life without a healthy dose of adventure and the occasional possibility of death through overexertion?   But then I believe life at it's best is an adventure every minute of every day.  So...  Yeah, if men here are looking for porcelain dolls they won't find it in me, that's for sure.

My manager also reminds me slightly of a porcelain doll.  Except that he smokes.  Most of the men here smoke.  Nearly none of the women do.  A lot of the women also wear masks when they're outside.   But not all korean men are like that because there were the boat guides when we went rafting who weren't like that.  It occurs to me that I need a rather specific sort of guy.  Well informed, attractive (to me at least), decently fit, decently educated, somewhat well traveled, intelligent, not prone to emotional excess, loves the Lord, seeks the Lord, of good reputation, adventurous, self-controlled, genuine, kind, wants children, does not believe (or even joke) that women and gays have ruined society.  No, this is not too specific, no, my standards are not too high.  This list leaves huge gaps for character flaws and failures.  But it's a good list, and one I will stick with.

3 days 'till I get paid. Yay!

Also, wearing totally adorable clothes today.

yesterday was decent though I didn't get as much work done as I would have liked.  Put ginger and cyan pepper into my Bulgogi soup(stew?) and it ended up tasting a bit like Indian curry.  I have no qualms with that.  Drank a liter and a half of orange juice.  Will probably do the same today.

And, korean economy is doing as good as the US economy atm.  I hope this lasts until payday when I send most of my paycheck to my bank in the states.  That would be fantastic.

I think that's about all.  I plan to finish grading midterms, grade the journals for my level 4s, and rummage around at either a stationary or teaching/craft store today.  This is my entire plan for the day.  And only some walking as I have no desire to vomit (still sick, snot in my stomach, exertion would almost definately equal puking).

Oh, yeah, and the whole reason I started this post: Nichole is back.  Yay!  I missed her.  I mean, it was only two days, but she's cool and I can talk to her.  So, there were some times where I just wandered around.  Anyway, her mood isn't so great, which is cool, because from what I hear the two days in Japan were frustrating, and it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who gets surly when my plans go awry.  She said something about her travelmate that made me smile but which I won't post here.  *huggles Nichole*

Oh, yeah, saw the moon and a few stars for the first time the other day.  It's too bright at night.  I miss the stars.  You can see more from Louisville than here.  The moon looked slightly different.  Google earth is awesome.  Ok, going now.


blog, korea, work, weight, co-teachers

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