Day...whatever part 2

Jun 30, 2008 23:51

Well, I'm definately feeling better after work.  The kids were pretty good and got really excited when they saw me working on my Korean student book.  They like that I'm in the same position that they are.  Tim was trouble, and then my level fours just don't want to listen to me.  I can't figure out why.  I think I need to change my approach to that class but I don't know exactly what to do.  Maybe I need them to do a lot more peer conversation. 3 out of 13 did their journal homework.  3.  Out of 13. *roll*
I had what i think is a very good conversation with Nichole.  I think that she is very good at being a duck and letting things roll off her.  I am a sponge.  But she is good for bouncing things off of, and I've decided to tune out Kina, not argue with De, and talk to Violet.
I still wish I were at the top of the mountain.  At least the pictures I took are good.
We have a "staff day" on friday, which is annoying, because now we'll HAVE to work on saturday and sunday, because we won't be able to work on friday at all.  We're going rafting.  Rafting on the one paid day we have a week to work on our lesson plans for the next week.  See a problem here?

I dunno.  I just think it would be better to do weekend stuff on the weekend, rather than ensure that we can't get away from the school.  I'm definately not a community thinker in the way that Koreans are.  More than most americans, but not the way they are.  I want my alone time and I feel a little like they would take that from me.

ah, yes, and two of the other teachers have a cold.  I really hope i don't get it.

Ok, but enough complaining.  Food was good, kim bop again for dinner. :-D spicy ramen for lunch.  Anyway, I'm tired so I'm going to sleep.  Want to up my work outs so that means I have to wake up earlier.  Of course that's doable with my new clock (but 13 dollars for something that runs on batteries?  That kind of sucks).
(I want the heptic phone, it blows the iphone out of the water)

That's about it, later people!

korea, work, excersize, co-teachers

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