Day...I'm starting to loose count

Jun 30, 2008 13:13

Climbed the mountain today.  Ok, well, I climbed to the second picnic table.  About 2.8 of 3.3 km.  Figured out that most of the way is at about a 70% incline.  fun.  Tried to study my Korean lesson from the book but these guys came and realized it was Korean and tried to help me but it just ended up that I didn't finish the lesson.

Seoul was a bust this weekend but at least I saw Ash and got to exchange the book and got a new bag.  I'm tired in my heart. I don't want to talk to any of my coworkers.  Can't they just leave me alone?  I don't care about the drama.

And, I worry that the school is going to be very resistant to actually giving us our time off. And, i wonder, during that week between sessions where we're supposed to work but there are no we still get paid?

Anyway, lunch is over.  I wish I were still on that mountain.

work, excersize

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