A few small notes on pop culture

Dec 13, 2010 13:38

I've been trying to read the Twilight books but I've never gotten through more than a few pages. First, I tried the first one, then New moon (Jacob's quote made me laugh, I suspect he may be the only real character in the story), then Eclips, and then...you get it.  
 I just keep getting...annoyed. My mother, who I'm quite sure is the most patient person on the planet, had a difficult time reading the book. I don't know what I'll do.
Bella...oh, I'm sure there are people like her. Really boring, immature, people. But then, I guess boring people need books, too.
5 pages into Breaking Dawn and I already have issues.
1. Edward bought her a car but didn't make sure she could drive it before he let her out with it? Yeah, really looking out for her safety there buddy. 
2. She's almost been killed several times now, she's dealt with vampires, shapeshifters, her hippy mom, and vampire kings, but she has a problem if people look at her? WTF.
3. Who the heck doesn't know what kind of car they're driving? Especially if it costed a bajilion dollars? I mean, it just kind of sears its way into your head.
4. Gas station numbers cannot mock you, they can 'seem like' they're mocking you or 'feel like' they're mocking you, but if you think they're mocking you, even sometimes, you're kind of schitzo and they have meds for that.
5. Why the heck would Edward get, or allow someone to get, an expensive flashy car for his sociophobic fiance? Is he trying to torture her? 
6. SHE LIVES IN A TEMPERATE RAINFOREST. It's beautiful there. I should know, I used to live in the Pacific Northwest when I was a kid. The scenery is stunning, the flora and fauna are unique and plentiful, and the rain is realy more like mist most of the time.
7. If she doesn't want to get married, doesn't like nice things, doesn't like being provided for, doesn't like being looked at, doesn't like the cold, and doesn't like the dark than what the heck is she doing marrying a rich vampire?

Katy Perry
Yes, her outfit for Seseme street was too revealing. It was also tacky.

Mel Gibson
His new movie looks just a bit creepy. If it's a bid for mercy I don't think it'll be falling on my ears.

Music of 2010
We've had a lot of key board/synthetic stuff in our music this year haven't we? It kind of reminds me of a throw back to the early 1990's. Personally I've enjoyed the Glee and other acapella remixes and mashes of songs more than the originals.

katy perry, twilight, music, mel gibson, pop culture

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