I finaly finished reading it

Dec 18, 2008 00:20

Well, I finally finished reading Romans.  Man!  That took me like 9 months to get through, what, 16 chapters. pfft!
So, I'm on Ephesians now (obviously I'm not reading chronologically) and Haggai, which is surpisingly longer than I thought it would be (on my last read through the Bible I actually never made it through all the minor prophets, which I think is sad because they were totally important too.

What else?  I have a ton to do tomorrow and Friday, perhaps I should write it down:

email the girl from ncis
call Ly
study korean
schedule chiropractor appointment
work out
pack box to send to family
make mail Christmas cards (you all may get them the day *after* Christmas, sorry about that!)
email the missionary guy

I transfered 1,228,000 won today.  It became $900.  That's better than last month.  Let's hope next month it's an even $1000.
perhaps eating bibimbap wasn't the best idea for dinner. I'm burping red pepper sauce.

otherwise?  I think I ran at 8kl/hr for either 16 or 18 minutes today.  woohoo! And I jogged/ran in total for 30 minutes. My close goal is to have my fast jogging/running time up to 25 minutes by Jan1, then 30 by Jan 15.  I figure that if I can run/jog strait for 55 minutes (not including warm up and cool down) I'll be in pretty good shape by the year's end.  Though right now it's looking to be 55 minutes at a skintilating 5.4 miles an hour.  Sadly, this year may end with me making an hour run at 6 miles an hour.  Oh, and on a fun note though, I'm to my target with the pilates.  And of course I dropped the weights back down after I hurt my shoulder but that's ok because I'm working extra hard now to get every muscle in my arms and upper back, and to be balanced about the weights, so that's good, better overall than before.

Having a blast on this mbti forum.
Turns out there are some 67 million INFJs in the world (that's a whapping 1% by the way). It's been fun to read infj and intj respsonses to things.  I'm definately an infj in most ways, a little more takitive and open than most but that's about the only differences.

Have a sore throat. X-p but I drank 2 liters of water today and took my vitamins and ate 4 clemintines so hopefully I'm good.  I swear, after working with kids I'm going to have the world's best immune system.

Oh, and I heard it was supposed to snow soon.  Yay!

eh, I got stuck working out at the same time as D today.  That was unpleasant.   I'd be happier if I knew she worked out regularly, but she doesn't, and she keeps saying she wants me to be her trainer and I don't *want* to be her trainer.  And I took the treadmill she was going to use because I didn't want to run for half an hour on the squeaky one and I felt I had a right to it as I work out nearly every day.  And I was being totally selfish but *she* turned on the tv and put it on her channel, and I asked her if I could use that treadmill and she said yes, so though I know she wasn't happy about it she wasn't going to resent me.  Anyway, meantioned something like that to N who was like tried to tell me how if I'd only compromised, except that there wasn't anything wrong.  We were both selfish and we both dealt with it.  I think I tend to find people who seem to feel I need advice when I don't think I do.  But, I'm back to shallower conversations with her, or...maybe ones she's more comfortable with.

Oh, yeah, tutoring yesterday went well.  I learned two new words and have what seems to be a good book.  The tutor was *nervous* thought.  Like, a few times I thought she was about to cry.  I tried to be nice and reassuring.  She said she thought I should meet a korean guy.  if korean guys are in general like the korean guys my coworkers are dating I'm not sure I want a korean guy, there's also the tiny weenie issue........(and I feel terribly shallow for saying that but seriously, I want my first time to be pretty fantastic and that includes actually *feeling* a physical connection.  perhaps I don't understand sex...). Anyway, she fed me Korean food and we worked on basic conversation stuff and then it turned out that I've set up my lessons during Doctor Who.  Which totally sucks!  So, now I'm going to end up staying up till one a.m. every tuesday so I can see Doctor Who, because, despite the b-rated graphics, I <3 that show.

Right, but I'm supposed to practice my Korean with Nichole, and hopefully a little with my students.

Right, so sleep meds have kicked in, and I found my watch.

Later people!

blog, korea, christianity, exercise, korean, co-teachers, health

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