personalities and stuff

Dec 14, 2008 09:27

Had a meeting with my Korean co-teacher on Friday.  I think that went over as decently as any kind of confrontational thing can when people who want to avoid confrontation are involved.  I was informed by L that I may have opened up the lines of communication between other teacher pairs so that is definately a nice side benefit.  But,  it also brought out some issues with N and I.  I'm beginning to wonder if my trust was missplaced. I don't think she realizes that every time she calls me judgemental or close minded I feel judged and disliked.  I'm pretty sure that she thinks If you just made judgement statements less and thought about where all other people are coming from and weren't so apt to voice your opinion than things would be great and we would get along and everyone would like you.  But, here's my thing.  I wouldn't be ME if I weren't like that, and I don't see having or voicing an opinion as a bad thing.  I'm an infj personality at my core, my opinions are one thing I will probably always have.  And, I can see myself in their shoes, and can comprehend their motivations, and I still think they're wrong. And, I don't tell everyone everything I think about them, mostly I've been telling her, but I believe I understand now that my making judging statements regarding any people made her feel judged by me.  She has also been trying to encourage me to try more "lite" conversation with people.  I DON'T WANT LITE CONVERSATION.  Yeah,  uh, I'm not so much about small talk.  Something deep down says this is a personality issue.  But, I don't know what her personality is, I simply know that I don't understand her and she apparently doesn't understand me and if this continues I'm going to have to find another friend because we will have grown appart.

korea, friends

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